
The PAX 10 Part One -- X-Play Takes On P

AntichamberNewsPreviewsReviewVideos (1)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs FezNews (1)Previews (1)ReviewVideos (1)ScreenshotsCheats and Walkthroughs Indie games are king of the castle at PAX Prime. This year's PAX 10 games were so innovative, fresh, and some times confusing, we had to break them down into segments. This segment includes games like AntiChamber and Fez, both titles I can't wait for. PAX Prime 2011 Top 10 Indie Games Part One »

Bodycount dev diary shows multiplayer, co


Codemasters has launched a new online-focused developer diary in which the Bodycount team walks you through the game's competitive multiplayer and co-op modes.Bodycount offers competitive deathmatch and team deathmatch modes for up to 12 players,福州担保公司, while two player online co-op sees players taking on waves of increasingly tough class-based enemies."What we've achieved with Bodycount,福州担保公司, is bringing that shreddable,福州担保, violent, explosive experience directly into multiplayer," said level designer Andrew Parsons.Senior designer Rob Mackenzie added: "Watching walls slowly get shredded apart and explosives take out whole sides of buildings really makes you think about how you approach these levels and it really forces team tactics." Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! If that got you excited, you might want to head off and try the Bodycount demo that launched earlier this week. The game's out next Friday, September 2. Tom Ivan

Perpetuum More Than Just Mechs

By Vincent Haoson,福州担保, OnRPG Journalist Perpetuum: Terra Incognita is a new subscription based sci-fi MMORPG from Avatar Creations. The game focuses on the concept of companies/conglomerates trying to get the most resources out of the planet Nia with you as part of their "workforce".For a subscription based MMORPG, I must say that Perpetuum looks pretty shabby compared to the bigger titles out there. Your "robot" is blocky and the visuals lack the oomph you'd find even in free to play games.I don't know though if this is related to the world you're supposed to explore and mine,福州贷款, but it seems that the game never loses the color gray. While the game description puts Nia as a world that's similar to Earth,福州担保公司, the planet feels more like cybertron instead of Gaia. It doesn't help that Nia is in fact filled with "synthetic" creatures which you'll have to destroy with either guns or rockets to emphasize its cyber-tronish characteristics more.While Perpetuum does muck things up with the Earth-likeness of Nia, the game at least conveys a world that hits its mark as far as sci-fi is concerned.Being that Perpetuum revolves around the story of commerce, mining and territory building,福州担保公司, the game jumps between mining, earning resources, PVE-ing and PVP-ing. Before you jump to the conclusion that Perpetuum is action-packed with arcade-style controls, I will set you straight.The game plays more like a RTS game rather than your usual action-based space themed MMOs. While you control only one ship, your tactics will play a key role in the success of failure of each mission.Perpetuum allows you to fully customize your "mech". The customization options remind me of the console game Armored Core where your mech's look is determined by the parts you equip it with. Equipping parts to your robot isn't an easy task as anyone with experience with MMOs would expect. You have to actually mix and match the parts so that it fits to your intended task for the said robot. You also have to juggle with the limitations set by the capabilities of certain parts which hails back to the customization feature of Armored Core where the parts you can equip is determined by the power of the core generation of said AC robot. All this remains true in Perpetuum.Aside from equipping your mech in Perpetuum your robot's strengths and weaknesses are also determined by how you build up your "pilot". This is set from the start via the choice of alliance your pilot has and focus on what skills your "pilot" should have. You can further determine this in-game every time your character levels up. Perpetuum uses a more customization friendly setup because the game let's you choose the "skills" your character can acquire.While the customization of the mech is pretty thorough, the avatar creation is on a whole different plane but not in a good way. Yes you can "tweak" your avatar's look you don't really see it in action. The only use for your avatar is for the headshot of your character shown in your "character screen" and that's about it. I should also add that your character's headshot is comic to look at. It's pretty obvious that Avatar Creations didn't really put a lot of effort in the avatar creation compared to the other "customization" aspects of the game and that's forgivable in my book since you won't really bother with your avatar in the long run.As I mentioned earlier, Perpetuum jumps between mining, PVE-ing and PVP-ing. The game uses a consistent open world PVP system with only one server to promote not only community building but also a "supposedly" intense PVP experience for players.Battling monsters and other characters requires you to prep your targeting system while "arming" your weapon systems. You also have to work with the range of your weapons before you can start firing at your targets. Fighting low leveled monsters can even be a pain if you come in guns-a-blazin'. In fact there will be times that you have to be in a group to win the low level mobs since- they are tend to group up and will tear you apart before you have time to even snipe off one.Perpetuum has a pretty solid community for a starting MMO. Once you get into the game you are welcomed by a GM who's tasked to help new players out in understanding the game. Aside from that the community chat is vibrant with players both helpful and not.However I can't really give my final verdict for the game's community since it's still new and based on experience sometimes communities which start out as great have the tendency to turn bad once more players come in. So I'll let you decide on that one.Overall, Perpetuum is a solid MMO that gives players a lot more customization features than your normal sci-fi MMO. Personally I don't think that the game's visuals merit this to be a subscription based game, however its robust customization and gameplay systems would make it worthwhile. With the way things are standing for Perpetuum, Avatar Creations have to be consistent with the updates because the game is specialized to hit a target market of gamers who want more "personal touches" in their sci-fi MMOs.My few gripes aside from the game's visuals are that the interface is cluttered. While yes, you have the power to customize your interface’s looks, the menus are vast and required so a bit of clutter is a necessary evil to stay efficient. Aside from the cluttered interface, the controls can be quite a handful and complicated so you can't just jump in and play without going through the game's tutorial. This can be a deal breaker for a lot of people who'd like to jump into the game as soon as they made their characters but I think this is a good "filter" for the quality of players who would actually spend time (and money) on the game.Perpetuum is a game that appeals to the more "hardcore" sci-fi gamers or at least to the people tired of the daily grind of the standard industry MMO.Graphics - 2/5 Controls - 3/5 Features - 3/5 Customization - 5/5 Community - 4.5/5


NintendoTV Post-E3 showcase

The latest edition of NintendoTV is now available to watch for free on your Wii. Coming up in this week's NintendoTV News, the team relive the high life of the E3 adventure at an exclusive post-E3 showcase, which Nintendo held in London.Along with that are brand new hands-on previews with the likes of Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7 and Luigi's Mansion 2. Check out the trailer below.NintendoTV is available exclusively on your Wii's Nintendo Channel. If you don't already have the Nintendo Channel, download it for FREE from the Wii Shop and make sure you never miss another episode.

League of Legends The Edge of Glory

By Jason Harper (Hhean), OnRPG MOBA ReporterWelcome summoners, to the patch v1.0.0.124 article for League of Legends, the game in which nothing is true, everything is permitted. This patch includes a rework to sustained healing, UI reworks to pave the way for Dominion, and Talon, The Blade’s Shadow.Talon is walking murder. Seeing a Talon means only one thing - He is trying to kill you. Not later, sometime in the future, perhaps. Now. Right the hell now. Defense and utility are for pansies, a Talon player says, as they step over the bloodied remains of their recently departed foes. If you enjoyed playing ultra aggressive characters like Akali, but felt even she wasn’t aggressive enough, then Talon is your man.The trick with Talon is to use as many of his abilities as possible on a single target, as each one causes the following attacks to deal more damage. This can be through the use of Rake [W], a conical skill shot that slows the enemy, and through Cutthroat [E], a targeted blink that increases the damage output of any attacks following it. His passive, Mercy, allows him to deal more damage to targets under the effects of any crowd control except silence or blindness, so Rake’s slow will, in turn, give him yet another damage bonus, in addition to making him harder to escape from. Once he’s got the two damage enhancements on his desired target, you can then immediately finish them with a combination of Noxian Diplomacy [Q], and his ultimate, Shadow Assault [R].The most common combo to achieve single target damage is to tag the enemy with Rake, getting the slow on them, activating Noxian Diplomacy and Shadow Assault before jumping into their face with Cutthroat. This final act will trigger every other secondary effect at once, while hitting them with all of his most damaging abilities at the exact same moment. Depending where you are in a match, this can do anywhere from a third of someone’s health, to bursting them down from full health to nothing.The problem with this method though is that once your initial burst is done, everything you have is now on cooldown, and the enemy is now fully prepared to drive Talon’s head through his knees. If there is anyone around that might help your victim, don’t expect to survive the following encounter. The safer method then is triggering the ultimate late, using the stealth to cover your cooldowns in the same manner as Akali, and maybe make your escape if you need to. This lowers your burst considerably though, and should only be used if enemies have a vested interest in staying in an area, likely due to fighting a teammate, monster or tower, buying you enough time to hammer them with your second round of burst.Rake is going to be the first ability you should pick up, and the first to max out. This will help his damage, help his escape, act as harass and help his farming considerably. It’s the Swiss army knife of knives. Now, level 2 depends on who you’re up against. If you’re against a squishy ranged character, likely a mage, then Cutthroat’s leap and silence combo will help make them fear you, giving you greater control of your lane. If you’re against some burly meat head who wants to get up close and personal, grab Noxian Diplomacy to make them regret it. At level 4, pick up the choice you didn’t go for, rounding out your combo and letting the fun really begin. Once you’re done leveling Rake, Noxian Diplomacy is going to help with his ganking damage, especially once you start getting some attack damage items to back it up, so max this second. Cutthroat will be your final stop.I’ve been struggling with finding a good pick for him in the laning phase. All of his starting items feel sub optimal. The best pick I’ve managed is using the Doran’s Shield, or a cloth and five health potions for enough sustain to keep in a lane. After that, I try to stick around long enough to rush a BF sword or Brutalizer. The latter I only buy if I’m suffering in my lane, the former if things are going well. From there, I get my boots and complete the Bloodthirster, which will both help your farm with Rake, adding just enough to blow up a minion wave in a single use, and also add some beastly damage to Noxian Diplomacy. From there, keep getting damaging stuff (Focusing on AD and Cooldown) until you start being focused in team fights, at which point a defensive item may be in order. Sheen/Triforce works well on him I’m told, but I’ve been refusing to get it simply because the last two characters were Trinity Force users and I can’t stand doing that build yet again.For his Masteries, you could use a 21/0/9 for an all out offensive build. Personally, I’m not very good at the total offense, so I’ve been using a 16/14/0 build on him, using his defenses to make sure he doesn’t explode quite so quickly. For Runes (now stop me if this sounds familiar) I’ve been using armour penetration marks, armour seals, magic resist glyphs and health regeneration quintessences. I’ve been wondering if it’s worth slipping in some attack damage or more armour penetration in there, likely in the quintessences, to make him a little less item reliant for his damage, but that health regeneration is really needed to help his weak early game.I have to confess, I am terrible with this sort of character. I’ve never been a fan of these high risk, high reward types. If you are the sort of person who likes to go all in for every single fight they enter into, then you should find him a pretty good pick, as his burst is pretty insane once he’s got some farm. Farming though can be difficult on him, due to having a weak laning phase against anyone with some sustain. This usually means that his team’s jungler needs to set up a gank for him early to more reliably get the ball rolling, which is usually more co-ordination than is found in most solo queue matches.I’m going to hazard a guess that he’s not going to be seen much in competitive play, given that conservative play is usually rewarded there far more than risk taking. I will say though that he makes a great solo queue pub stomper, as most of these sorts of high damage dealing glass cannons often wind up being. He also might work out to be an excellent Dominion pick, given his need for a lot of gold early in the game, and reliance on kills aren’t a problem in that game type.The sustain changes have been painful for support players. While I fully understand why the nerfs were needed (I think I’ve fallen asleep in bottom a few times), I don’t entirely agree with some of the exact changes. For example, why was the AP ratios on most supports’ heals nerfed? I’ve never seen a single support who stacked AP and was actually effective. Everyone just grabbed gold per 10 items and bought loads of wards. It seems a bit superfluous to target a nerf at something that no-one who knew how to play their characters ever did. Then again, it’s not like that part of the nerf actually has affected any support players, given none of them are going to be buying AP anyway. You’d think though that Riot might want to discourage this type of play, as the gold per ten stacking encourages passive supports, but evidently they don’t see this behaviour as a problem. Fine by me, I’ll just keep stacking up my wards.The changes to Soraka are not only the most extensive, but also the most bizarre. Her heals have been nerfed so hard that you couldn’t put her on a team as the dedicated healer any more. Her damage output is now really, really high though, putting her more into the role that was once filled by Nidalee (RIP Nidalee) on top as a self sustaining mage. Where once you would pick Soraka to be the team’s heal-bot, now she’s better as a nuker and pusher, with a little bit of added sustain thrown in.My own bit of vitriol at the changes is the odd buff Sona has received for her heal to compensate for its lowered effectiveness. The idea is that she’ll enhance whatever auras she has active on the heal’s target while the buff lasts. This was to encourage clutch healing, giving allies more armour, damage and/or movement speed. The problem, however, is that this is Sona. You can’t choose your targets, only go with what the automated system picks for you, so clutch healing is nearly impossible when you know your mage is going to be burst down from full health, yet your half health tank is the only person you can heal. The buff is worthless when it winds up on the wrong target most of the time. This indirect targeting was fine when it was a good heal, since there was rarely a reason not to heal the person with the lowest health, but as a buffing system this is painful.The most likely result of these changes is we’ll simply see a shift away from the characters that relied on healing entirely, and more towards, well, everyone that didn’t get their ability to support nerfed. Alistar’s healing hasn’t been affected, nor Janna’s shield or ultimate, so they’re going to remain top of the support pile. Karma and Kayle might get a chance to shine now, since neither of their support capabilities got hit, but I’m a bit dubious myself. They both require a bit too much gold to be effective, and if there’s one thing you don’t want your support doing, it’s having to farm.To discuss some of the changes yourselves, post in the massive League of Legends thread in the free to play MMOs section. Also look forward to a review of Dominion mode coming up on OnRPG soon. If you haven't tried League of Legends yet, you're missing out.

Final Fantasy XIII-2's English voice reco

The English-language voice recording for Final Fantasy XIII-2 is complete. That's according to Ali Hillis, who lends her voice to FFXIII's leading lady, Lightning Farron. "Well... it seems that we have wrapped recording on FFXIII-2," she said on Facebook last night. She went on to add, meanwhile, that recording for BioWare's Mass Effect 3 is still in progress, along with multiple other titles she "can't talk about". Square recently release two new FFXIII-2 videos, one a narrative trailer and the other a developer commentary video from producer Kitase Yoshinori - see both of them through here.The game is targeting a January release in US, with the EU date still a vague 'early 2012'. Mike Jackson


Ice-T And Body Count's Gears Of War 3 Mus

Epic has released a new gameplay video for Gears of War 3's Horde Mode 2.0. The video isn't just a trailer for the badass and over-the-top action featured in Gears 3, it's also a music video of sorts for Body Count's new track called "The Gears of War." The song will be featured on the Gears 3 official soundtrack when it's released on September 20, 2011. Gears of War 3 Music Video Featuring Ice-T and Body Count » VIDEO:Gears Of War 3 Will Have Aim-Assisted Casual Mode, Old Spice Guy

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games dated

Sega's confirmed release dates for Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. The Wii version of the game will launch on November 18th, while the 3DS one will release in February 2012. We previewed the game back in May.Sega's other Olympics title, London 2012: The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games, is due for release some time in 2012.Sega's also set to release an officially licensed game for the London 2012 Olympics. Titled London 2012 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games, it'll be out in 2012 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Dragon Nest The Start of a Revolution

By Thomas vonWolffradt (SomePlatypus), OnRPG Tech WizardCo-Written by Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-ChiefNow it's rare that I go out of my way to spend 30 hours in a game to write up a game review. Normally these time intensive projects are given out to one of OnRPG's writing staff to do over the course of a month. However, in Dragon Nest I see the potential of a new way to play MMOs that prior to it has never been fully perfected. Dragon Nest represents the beginning of a new horizon in MMO gaming in which MMORPG fans and action console players can unite under one banner of gaming greatness. And since many of its brethren in the action revolution are still quite some development time away from release, Dragon Nest gives us an opportunity to experience the future of MMO gaming today!Dragon Nest takes place in a world that has been ravaged by war many years ago and has just recently reestablished peace. Although everything seems calm on the surface, a hidden war rages in the shadows between the Dragons and their Cultists and a small group of freedom fighters known as the Adventurer's Guild. Though the Adventurer's Guild is nearly powerless against the Dragon Cultists, an ancient elf with a bad attitude named Argenta stands alone as the only warrior with the power to prevent their aims. That is, until you enter the fray! Now you must enter an uneasy alliance with Argenta to save a descendant of the ancients from the clutches of the Dragons.There are currently four starting classes you can choose from. In terms of PvE prowess, they are all virtually equal and yet specialized enough to make each unique and fun to try. At level 15 you are able to take a test to unlock your second class upgrade and further specialize yourself into one of 8 total classes.Sorceress: These AoE masters bring immense pain to the battlefield but require meticulous timing and aim to do so effectively. Some of their long channeling times with long cooldowns make it important that they have protection so as not to waste their potential. At level 15 they may become Elementalists or Mystics. Elementalists specialize in harmful status effects like slow and wield unimaginable destructive AoE power. Mystics can follow the path of light or darkness, gaining insane armor piercing damage and gravity controlling AoE spells that can decimate an entire battlefield in one spell.Cleric: This isn't your dad's cleric. Clerics in Dragon Nest have a nasty bite in addition to their support magic. They fight on the front line with weapons like maces, dealing holy light magic that stuns their hapless foes into submission. Those who go the path of the Paladin will become nearly invincible tanks that sacrifice some of their support status in exchange for rendering enemies useless in battle. Priests on the other hand take support spells to an entirely new level, making their allies invulnerable and bringing massive AoE holy magic down around the battlefield.Archer: Archers are medium to long range dps that are effective at sweeping the enemy off their feet. While also specializing in AoE damage, theirs tends to be higher damage than mages but with a smaller range of effect. At level 15 they can follow the path of a Sharpshooter or Acrobat. Sharpshooters gain immense mobility, range, and are one of the most active classes in the game for attacking an enemy while in mid-air. Acrobats abandon their range safety and instead become a localized whirlwind of damage, knock ups, and knock backs.Warrior: What warriors lack in damage, they make up for with impressive comboing abilities. They can run, dodge, roll, and slam to keep on top of an opponent until they die. Though restricted to only melee weapons, said melee weapons have such large hit areas that you practically can't miss. Mercenaries are the most heavily armored character in the game, specializing in one-on-one confrontations in which they simply outlast any opponent blow for blow. Those seeking more active combat can follow the path of the Swordsman, engaging in long damaging combo attacks that are nearly impossible to break free from. At higher levels, Swordsmen can also learn wide sweeping AoE skills to give them range damage as well.The world of Dragon Nest is broken down in a similar fashion to another action game published by Nexon called Vindictus. In hub towns you learn about the story, adjust and enhance gear, pick up quests, and learn skills. Then you set out, alone or in groups of up to 4, into the instanced outer world in which you can pick up further quests, break down gear into crafting material, and select instanced dungeons and difficulty settings.The dungeons themselves start out simple and then grow progressively more challenging. Simple run and stab goblins eventually lead to sword and board goblins that will actively blow against attacks. Slow casting lightning mages eventually become fast teleporting massive AoE casting ice mages that can really ruin your day should you fail to dodge a single spell combo. And then in the expansion, Saint's Haven, you will face fire mages that bring a whole new meaning to the term DoT.So what makes this all so revolutionary? It's 100% based on your reaction speed, knowledge of your character's skills, and aiming every attack FPS style. Every class is provided enough utility to get through just about any situation thrown at them, assuming you know your class well enough to do so. Acrobats with fast reactions can jump and roll through a barrage of spells to disable the caster. Mystics can hold off legions of goblins with a few well placed gravity wells. Mercenaries can stand toe to toe with heavily armored ogres and break their defenses with a few well placed rolls and axe slams. Or you can get your face smashed in after a 5 second duration of enemy combos that leave you sitting in the corner frantically drinking potions.Where this system of combat really shines in the boss battles. Some of the best designed bosses can usually fly or teleport, have unique defensive abilities, and are able to smash your attempt to combo them apart with strong AoE skills. A gargoyle you face early on will zoom around the map, constantly summoning goblin minions to delay you. After shooting blasts of homing energy orbs he can land and turn into stone, increasing his defense infinitely and rapidly regaining hp until you stun him out of the stance. A later boss hovers over the arena out of reach and sprays the battlefield with poisonous stingers. Just as you think you've dodged them all he slams down on top of you dealing massive damage, forcing you to divide your attention between dodging darts and timing a jump to get out of the combo alive. I can honestly say I have never had so much fun fighting bosses in an MMO, and even in console games bosses were rarely as exciting as this.A downside to Dragon Nest that I have seen all too often on the forums is people who claim 'I got bored and quit at level 2x.' Even with a game as fun as this, inevitable boredom will always set in for some people. Oh wait that never happened to me because I played with my friend DizzyPW every time. If you aren't playing Dragon Nest with a friend, you are depriving yourself greatly of the true experience Dragon Nest has to offer.By teaming up with friends, not only do you have someone to share the experience with, you can take on the harder challenges in Dragon Nest much earlier. There is just an insane thrill taking on Abyss mode dungeons with your friend when you are level 19 and 18 and the recommended difficulty is four level 21s. Teamwork is put to the test as you constantly rescue each other from hordes of enemies, and set up ultimate team combo attacks to devastate a legion of monsters with a 500 hit combo. Our best example was our Mystic Acrobat team. DizzyPW would roll-jump into a group of 40 monsters and hit Marionette to shoot out a string of arrows that pulls enemies towards him. I would then cover the ground with poison and begin opening up a massive gravity well above DizzyPW as he danced around the legion of mobs.Once the gravity well opened I would blow all my cooldowns launching every magic spell in my possession as the enemy's were pulled into a central point. DizzyPW would blast then with a fan shaped archer skill and then proceed to bounce on top of the heads of enemies, culminating in the extremely powerful Acrobat skill 'Eagle Dive' in which he flies to earth at maximum speed dealing huge damage figures to all in the area upon landing. Seeing the ground covered with a legion of loot where a legion of zombies formerly stumbled is intensely satisfying.Besides the intangible satisfaction from zombie hunting with a friend, there are also many benefits offered for teaming up. The most particularly important is the PWR system. PWR is a system that allows casual players to not fall as far behind hardcore players by giving you experience bonuses for the first few dungeons you run in a day. If you team up with friends and run multiple dungeons successfully in a row, the game gives you discounts on how much PWR is spent on each dungeon run to keep you going at this bonus level longer. Also players running Abyss mode will only have to spend one key to unlock the bunny chest at the end, providing very useful goodies such as NPC gifts.This game goes beyond the call of duty to give players tons of things to keep them occupied. Every dungeon has a dozen or more achievements to be obtained, some giving titles with special stat bonuses. In addition billboards reside outside every dungeon to give players additional challenges (and rewards) for performing certain actions like collecting skulls from graves. An addicting side quest exists in which you can make friends with NPCs and improve relations by running quests or giving gifts to them. Eventually the NPCs will start to give you gifts back to help with your equipment strengthening. Also by befriending NPCs you gain faction points with one of three groups that can later be traded for all kinds of goodies in Saint's Haven. Various recipes exist for mixing lesser gifts you obtain to make greater gifts as well, and it really adds some flavor to the side quest when you have an item that two NPCs both love and you have to decide who to befriend and who to ignore.A circus also exists in which you and your friends can take part in crazy mini-game events to earn tickets. Some notably fun ones include a treasure hunt in which you and your friends are locked in separate rooms and must battle until united in the main room to face a super boss. Another epic circus event is the Goblarta Goblins in which Xerxes orders you to destroy the 300 Goblarta goblins in an arena style death match! DizzyPW is working on bringing a video of this epic event to OnRPG in the near future.Most MMOs would consider this enough for a launch title. Dragon Nest pushes the envelope further. You can take part in the arena to face other players in PvP battles or the Temple of Darkness where you team up with 3 friends to face an endless gauntlet of increasingly strong monsters, with prizes waiting for the heartiest of adventurers.I wouldn't be able to talk about Dragon Nest without mentioning the arena, considering this game won E3 2011's best PvP award. Personally I have some gripes to say about the arena.At E3 things were fantastic because it was essentially a LAN party, and when everyone shares the same ping the PvP in Dragon Nest is tough to beat. Each class is really well balanced at most levels, and artificially increased defense and HP helps prevent people who cash shopped to power or hardcore power levelers from dominating the game too heavily. Team PvP is especially fun because, as explained earlier with the Mystic Acrobat super combo, you can really perform some impressive combos on your hapless foes. Also in team PvP certain classes like the Mystic and Priest become much more viable as they require teammates to effectively unleash some of their greater attacks.Now enter the officially sanctioned ladder matches, that are fought only on a one-on-one basis. In this situation the paladin and swordsman classes hands down destroy almost any opponent with their superior combo abilities, endless knockdowns, and overpowered stuns. This only gets worse when you introduce ping issues and classes like Mystics and Acrobats with hard to land attacks are aiming at a shadow of where an enemy actually is. The swordsman and mercenaries especially have such large hit targets with their melee swings and fast movement speed that you will often begin to fly through the air from the opening of a combo attack long before the actual melee fighter is visually within range to harm you. Not to mention you better bring some heavy hitting skills if you even think you are going to stun these opponents as they charge haphazardly through a barrage of fire with little care for the tiny amounts of damage it inflicts.As such I recommend players stick with the team battles. As long as you have a teammate to interrupt, endless combo attacks aren't possible. With more targets on the battlefield, you will also have an easier time of landing attacks, and the fun factor increases for support classes as well. Best of all is you still earn medals from non-ladder matches that are used to upgrade weapons with special enhancements!Dragon Nest has so many nuances going for it that it's impossible to sum all its parts up in a single review. I will just mention that the crafting system is quite in-depth and will ensure players spend hours in every part of the game to build the greatest weapons and armor possible. Even after 30 hours in the game I'm still discovering new features like this and at level 25 there is plenty more to be seen in this game.Graphics are simple enough and customizable enough that almost anyone should be able to experience the joys of this game. The cutscenes, side quests, and main quests are also some of the best written in MMO history and should keep all but the most hardcore power levelers delayed a bit to read through them. The cash shop doesn't present too much of a power gap to players though I would recommend picking up some inventory and bank expansion slots before anything else or you will go mad trying to manage all the nick knacks you pick up in this game. If you are one of the few that haven't experienced Dragon Nest yet, then grab a friend (or three), divvy up the class selection, and get to cracking some Dragon Cultist skulls!Graphics – 3 (Watered down character models are balanced by impressive spell effects) Controls – 5 (For a front runner in the action MMO genre, Dragon Nest controls flawlessly) Features – 5 (I never felt wanting for more things to do in this game) Customization – 4 (While graphical customization is minimal, skill trees and armor crafting balance things nicely) Community – 4 (While I didn't talk with the community much, there always seemed to be things going on around me)

Final Fantasy 14 Subscriptions Returning


Final Fantasy XIV OnlineNews (31)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (34)Screenshots (142)Cheats and WalkthroughsFinal Fantasy XIV OnlineNews (35)Previews (2)ReviewVideos (33)Screenshots (139)Cheats and Walkthroughs Final Fantasy 14 came into this world kicking and screaming late last year, riding a wave of negative reactions. The MMO was almost universally deemed to be broken and incomplete, prompting publisher Square Enix to issue public apologies and, ultimately, go free-to-play while the kinks were worked out.Enter Final Fantasy 14 Version 2.0. The reworked game will be arriving on Windows PCs soon, Square Enix confirmed in a website update from company CEO Yoichi Wada. The free play switch will be turned off "between late November and early December 2011" and subscriptions will return. Wada makes no mention of the still-absent PlayStation 3 version, but one thing at a time. First the game needs to actually... you know... work.Source: Final Fantasy 14 official website

War of Angels Heaven or Hell

By Bryan King, OnRPG JournalistWar of Angels, developed by NJ Interactive and published by Neowiz, is an MMO fantasy roleplaying game with a unique set of features, including a guild city system, as well as aerial and underwater combat. Players can link up to explore massive scaled dungeons, chat in town, and fight with other players in order to rise to the top.10,福州担保公司,000 years ago. Earth faced the greatest danger to its existence. Dertgotz, a fallen angel who once was a celestial god,福州担保公司, was expelled because of his greedy, cruel nature. He marched into the human world with his army of evil. Many lives were lost and much of the land was destroyed. Slowly yet surely, the human world was consumed by Dertgotz's inconceivably vast and evil power. The war for survival against Dertgotz continued for many years. A human hero eventually appeared, and grew powerful enough to rival Dertgotz's might with the help of his trusted comrades. After a long and perilous journey, this hero and his comrades were finally able to defeat Dertgotz and his evil soldiers. War of Angels’ character creation isn’t a far stretch beyond anything we’ve seen before. Upon initial creation, characters are able to choose a single class, and then upgrade to a subclass at level 20. As of right now, there are four classes. The Fighter, Rogue, Ranger, and Mage. The Fighter is able to promote to Warrior or Knight, the Rogue is able to choose between Scout or Avenger, the Ranger is able to choose between Hunter and Archer, and the Mage is able to choose between Cleric or Sorcerer. In order to fulfill my fantasies of casting hellish… err… angelic magic bolts from the sky, I rolled with a Mage.WoA doesn’t offer much in terms of customization, with a generic Face, Hair Style, Color, Weapon, and Armor Color selector, along with a size selector. However, the amount of effort that went into the armor and weapon selector is quite impressive and provides a good insight on how a character is going to look at later levels.Although War of Angels mixes the best of Eastern and Western developer clichés in MMOs, it at least produces a tolerable MMO soup. The same basic principles from other MMOs apply: hotbars, targeting, casting and combat are all present and standard. However,福州贷款, the added element of Flight adds a whole new dimension of fun.Flight has become an added plane of gameplay in other games such as Perfect World and Aion,福州担保, yes, but the fluidity in War of Angels is surprisingly well done, and provides an enjoyable experience throughout the entire game, because wings are available from level one and onwards. Another cool element about War of Angels lies in the Deathblow system, which allows players to gain a reservoir of energy from killing monsters. You are able to fill up to three tiers of this Deathblow energy, with each additional tier providing a greater and flashier killing strike.I found questing in War of Angels to be quite a unique system, as choosing various replies to NPCs can determine your player’s alignment and what faction you join later on in the game. For example, gladly accepting all quests you come across will most likely increase your character’s disposition to “Good”, but if you gladly tell an NPC to “screw off”, your disposition will lower. This will determine what side of the grid your character will fight on inside late-game RvR, as well as your guild’s affiliation.The coolest implementation of this system was being asked by an NPC to deliver a package to another. In most MMOs this would be a boring and pointless gopher mission. But in War of Angels the NPC kept stressing how important it was for me to return the package unopened. Of course, my curiosity got the best of me, and I opened it. Inside was great armor for my level, gold, and potions. However, this did not go unpunished, and my disposition dropped by a lot, leading me towards fighting for the faction of “Evil”. To be honest… I was okay with this. Can anyone say “Hell’s Angels”?In conclusion, War of Angels’ gameplay is simplistic in nature, but every decision you make could shape your future, which provides a whole new level of fun and immersion. Being able to take combat to new planes of air and sea also allows for a whole new level of fun gameplay. There is a guild building system that has a ton of features, as well. Guild leaders are able to establish bases for their members that provide plenty of perks, and although I wasn’t able to test this, the general consensus of the population was that it is a fun toy to fiddle with and has resulted in some great guild “decoration” events run by veteran players.My first impression with War of Angels’ graphics as of the recent graphics update was the amount of work that went into it. I had a short run in with War of Angels prior to their major update, and at the time took little notice of the game’s bland exterior. However, the new update has definitely provided a benchmark for the future of microtransaction-based F2P games, as the log in screen provided a feeling one gets after seeing that ugly girl from high school turn into a world-renown supermodel.The water effects, character design, and general feel of the game has gotten a complete overhaul, and it’s apparent in the new login screen as well as the game’s environments. I am personally pleased to see the new graphics within the game giving a boost to the game’s general feel and UI, and players who left solely due to the game’s aesthetics should definitely come back and try it to see for themselves.In conclusion, War of Angels is a cut above many somewhat generic F2P games. It has features that are very rare within the genre, and provide players with a strong community aspect in terms of guild base creation. Flight based gameplay and freedom of choice while questing also add to War of Angel’s overall value. The new graphics overhaul is what won me over in the end. For those who are looking for a game similar to AION but aren’t willing to pay, your search may end here.Graphics - 4/5 Gameplay – 3.5/5 Features 3.5/5 Customization 2/5

League of Legends Ascend

By Jason Harper (Hhean), OnRPG MOBA ReporterWelcome summoners, to the patch v1.0.0.126 article for League of Legends,预防近视笔, the game that just can’t seem to keep its evils sealed in a can. This patch includes minor tweaks to champion balance, a slight alteration to the Crystal Scar, and Xerath, The Magus Ascendant.Xerath is a long ranged nuker,防近视眼笔, a floating laser howitzer who’ll zap you long before he sees the whites in your eyes. Xerath stands in stark contrast to the string of recent melee characters, attacking from as far from an enemy as physically possible. If you enjoy similar long range powerhouses like Kog’Maw, Lux, or Nidalee, he may be your perfect cup of tea.Xerath’s defining ability is his Locus of Power [W], an activated mode that increases both his range and magic penetration, but at the cost of immobilizing him. This spell steroid alone is how he competes with other nukers, as when he is not in this siege mode, his damage and range are both unimpressive. You spend most of your time as Xerath buying time for this mode to come off cooldown, and then proceeding to bombard the enemy from as far away as possible.Oh boy does he have some great tools for doing exactly that, too. His most commonly used poke is going to be Arcanopulse [Q], a low cost,防近视笔, low cooldown, low damage skillshot that bypasses minions. Taken as is, this ability is underwhelming, but enhanced by Locus of Power, this thing can hit people before they can even see you. This is a skill shot with a range comparable to Nidalee's Javelin Toss, but with an instant travel time and a two second cooldown.The other way of enhancing this ability is through the use of Spell Chains [E], a targeted ability that marks the target for a few seconds. If you hit an enemy with any spell at your disposal, it’ll consume the mark and stun the enemy for 1.5 seconds, in the same manner as Brand. This can make the Spell Chains + Arcanopulse combination a nice harassing tool that prevents any trades, and also acts as an escape during a gank.While most of Xerath’s time is spent grinding down his enemy’s health at range, once you think an enemy’s health has gotten low enough for them to be shelled into oblivion, it’s time to wheel out his full spell combo. The most damaging sequence in Xerath’s arsenal is to sit as far back as possible, activate Locus of Power, tap them with Mage Chains, slam them with the first shot of Arcane Barrage [R], then go to town on them with an Arcanopulse, and the remaining two shots of Arcane Barrage while they're still rendered useless by the stun triggered from Mage Chains. If they're still living, pop off another Arcanopulse for good measure. The cooldown is short enough that it is usually ready to fire again after you’re done pounding your enemies with his ultimate.It’s worth noting that he barely sacrifices any range in order to pull off this full combo, so it is always in Xerath’s best interests to be as far away from the enemy as possible, especially if you’re trying to make use of Locus of Power. Nuking the enemy long before they get in range of you, and from over half health can be an extremely satisfying stunt to pull off.The trade off here though is that in order for his main combo to do its maximum damage, you must be in Locus of Power, and therefore immobile. The reason Locus of Power is so important from a damage perspective is due to the number of hits Xerath has to do in order to rack up a decent amount of damage on an enemy. Each and every one of the spells he’s spewing forth are being mitigated by magic resistance individually, so an enemy gets far greater returns from MR against Xerath than almost any other mage in the game, because he has to perform five to six spells to do the same damage that other nukers get done in three.The reason this is a real problem is because using Locus of Power at the wrong time will get you killed. Much like every other mage in the game, Xerath has to carefully control his spacing in order to zone aggressive enemies out, rather than make use of escape abilities to simply hop out of trouble’s way. Locus of Power forfeits this control completely, allowing enemies to easily close ground and murder you until you die from it. You really can only use the ability when your normal, non-enhanced moves are already out of range. At that point, you are likely far enough away to consider immobilizing yourself. Otherwise, stay mobile and leave it well alone until you can get some distance on the enemy.Take a level in Arcanopulse at level 1. Max it out first, since it’s your only early game poke. Mage Chains or Locus of Power both are viable choices for level 2. If you think it’s safe to get inside the enemy's range, or they are a melee character, then go for Mage Chains. If you think the enemy is too dangerous to deal with, then hang back and pick up Locus of Power to snipe them from extreme range. Level 3 should let you grab the one you missed. Locus of Power should be your second to max, to both mitigate the magic resist that floats around later on in the game, and also allow you to more reliably increase you range.For items, you're looking at a fairly stock mage set up, with a few tweaks here and there. Your starting load out is going to be boots and three health potions against most opponents, but Doran's Ring or Cloth Armour with five health potions are also good items against certain mid lane match ups. Doran’s Ring is usually better when you feel you’re going to destroy your lane opponent, so you won’t need the regeneration from any potions. The cloth armour is if you happen to go against a physical damage dealer. If you're heading out in Dominion, I like to start with boots, Blasting Wand, two health potions and two mana potions. The Blasting Wand gets you more early damage than going for a Prospector's Ring, and the survivability it offers makes no difference to Xerath, who is dead when someone gets in range anyway. It also has the final perk of letting you rush something useful very quickly.His mid and late game builds need to go very heavy on ability power (which both enhances his offense and defense due to his passive), but tempered by enough cooldown reduction to get his ultimate off more often. You should have access to your full strength at nearly any time with this end game build. Deathfire Grasp and Morello’s Evil Tome are both good picks on him, mostly because they build from the Fiendish Codex, which gives him everything he needs at a cost efficient price. I’d avoid going for both though. Once you have one of them, and a few Doran’s Rings (or not if you’re in Dominion) in hand, you’re going to be heading straight for a Deathcap for mega damage. After that is usually situational picks - Zhonya’s Hourglass isn’t bad if you’re being rushed down and murdered by physical damage dealers, Rylai’s Crystal Sceptre will allow you more time before enemies get in close, and Void Staff helps against that horrible magic resistance that can cripple his damage output. As an aside, I usually don’t mention boots because they should change greatly from match to match, but you should avoid the recommended Ionian boots. He really needs that spell penetration from the sorcerer’s shoes more than the cooldown reduction at the stage in the match you’re usually buying boots, and he usually won’t wind up with a Void Staff until much later on, so that is the only magic penetration he’ll have for some time.Go with a 9/0/21 mastery set up; it won't do you wrong. His most important runes are magic penetration marks. The rest is really up to playstyle and preference. I’ve been rolling out with mana regeneration seals with ability power glyphs and quintessences, but you could easily use cooldown, magic resist, health regeneration, flat health or anything else that’s useful for a mage.I’m not fond of Xerath. I certainly warmed to him the more I played him, and he’s been a wonderful change of pace from the endless stream of melee. However, he’s also very clunky to play. The casting time on his Locus of Power feels a bit too long, and really can break up the flow of combat. I found myself cursing at the character for some time before I worked out that he almost has a minimum range to his attacks.My biggest annoyance I had while learning him though is you can’t know the range on his Locus of Power enhanced spells until you are actually in that mode, which is too late because you then can’t move to compensate for misjudged distances. What he really needs is a form of ‘ghost’ extension on his skillshots to show you how far they would travel if he was in siege mode. That one gripe I have with him would make both his learning curve that much easier, and for players to more reliably hit at his absolute maximum ranges, which is where he’s at his most effective.I do think his damage is slightly on the low side, but that’s an understandable trade off given the extremely long distances that he can not only hit from, but unleash his most damaging combo. His utility is also a bit limited, but still on par with other nukers like Brand and Malzahar. I can’t get a full read on how good this guy is though after only a few days of play, as I really struggled with him, and found screwing up his positional game to be incredibly unforgiving. I don’t think he’s bad by any margin, but he does have a very frustrating, punishingly brutal skill curve filled with many unnecessary deaths.Outside of Xerath, this patch leaves me little to talk about. All of the changes are very minor tweaks, hardly game changing in any significant fashion. The gold rate reduction on summoner’s rift means end game character aren’t quite so frustrating to deal with, which is a very nice change. They also have a few token nerfs to some of the games currently problematic characters. Not much of a change really though, and hardly enough for them to suddenly be made garbage by these minor tinkerings.To discuss some of the changes yourselves, post in the massive League of Legends thread in the free to play MMOs section. If you haven't tried League of Legends yet, you're missing out.


Conquer Online - 8 Years Later


By Remko Molenaar (Proxzor), OnRPG Guest Writer。

In addition to this, there are gems of various elements ingame used to imbue certain elements into your equipment. Through the Gem Composing feature, you can combine gems to produce much more valuable combination gems to really make your equipment shine. Items can also be socketed through the Socketsmith. This is done through the use of the ‘Dragon Ball’ item. For each additional socket you wish to add to an item, the number of dragon balls increases greatly.

PK or player killing is also a major feature in this game.。

There is also a Jail in this game. Players who have earned over 100 PK Points will be jailed if they get killed. You can get out of Jail if you pay 500,000 Silver, however if you don’t feel like paying up you can always sit your time out and do some mining in the meantime.

This being said, it really looks like they care for the community to make this server specifically for a certain group of old school players.。

The Water Taoist is the healer class. They are entrusted with spell such as heal, cure and revive. Like the Fire Taoist, the Water Taoist uses the Backsword as well. Their Special is nothing different than that from the Fire Taoist. The further they are away of the target the more damage they deal.。

In this game you can randomly find a 'Meteor.' This meteor is a purple shiny stone you can get by killing monsters. Or you can buy them from NPC or fellow players. These meteors can be used to upgrade your equipment. Besides upgrading equipment, these meteors are also used for quest items, color customization, and divorce stones.。

When you have chosen your server it is time to pick a class. Every class is specialized in different weapons, armor and skills. The following classes are currently in the game:。




1. No Shopping Mall
2. No Battle Power System
3. No DB Leveling
4. No DB Socketing for "non-weapon" gear or the 2nd socket for weapons
5. No Talismans
6. Toxic Fog is removed from the Ninja skills
7. Gems drop rate from monsters increased
8. PK is allowed in Twin City.
9. Equipment Bonus Quests are removed.。


The Fire Taoists is a mage class available in the game. As the name of the class tells you, this class is specialized in Fire attacks. They do not mainly use a weapon but they prefer the Backsword. The Special of this class is the further they are away of the target, the more damage they deal.。






The user interface is clean and simple; you can find everything on the bottom of the screen and have some small information at the top left like the coordinates, fps and latency.

Conquer Online is a free-to-play 2.5D MMORPG developed by TQ Digital Entertainment. The game is set in the world of ancient China. The game is playable in different languages such as English, Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish.。

Attacking a target is very simple; when you click on the target you will auto attack the target. You can however assign a skill on the Right mouse button. This feature will use your assigned spell on the target. If you use more skills you can put these on the action bar. The XP bar around your health bar fills during combat. Once the bar is fully loaded you are able to use a XP skill. Every class has a different XP skill suiting their class’s strengths.。


- Graphics outdated
- May feel grindy
- Armor hasn’t changed after all these years
- Jail。

This game has been out for a while now but deserves another look at it. The game released back in the year of 2003 and it is still being actively played by a lot of people, and it currently has more than 10 million registered users around the world.。

Normally in a game, you walk to your destination. In Conquer Online however, walking is too slow and there is an option to jump! You practically just leap forward to your destination instead of walking. This game is entrusted with a 'Path Finding' feature as well. Whenever you are lost, you can use this option to automatically walk to your desired NPC. From the moment you start your character you get a quest. You can look up this quest in the quest list. In this panel, you are able to see which quests you currently have, what the target is, and your reward. In this quest panel you are able to see which quests are available to you and which quests you have done. There are also daily quests that you can do every day. These daily quests mostly consist of PvP quests.。

When you have selected your gender it’s time to customize your character. The only thing you can customize at first is the size of your character. If you want additional customization options you will have to visit various NPCs in the city in order to change your body size, avatar, hairstyle and the color of your hair.。

After 8 years Conquer Online is still growing by the day. This game keeps getting updated every week and still has expansions coming out every year. The community is really big and mature and is willing to help you with every question you have. It’s not a top notch mmorpg and it may not be the prettiest among them, but this game has plenty of features to get you hooked for quite some time. If you love to PvP I would advise you to give it a shot.。


- Unique gameplay
- Superb PvP
- Great support.
- Crafting

Crafting really improves the game play and helps build up the economy in a game. Conquer Online has an unique crafting system like no other game has seen before. You are not going to beat your opponents without some properly crafted equipment. It really makes a difference! I find crafting an important feature in a game and Conquer Online has polished this pretty well.。

It is also possible to join or create a guild. In order to create a guild you have to be Level 90 or above. If you are then you can find the Guild Director in Twin City and pay him 1,000,000 Silver to setup a guild. There are currently 17 guild ranks with different privileges that can be used, and some ranks have a limit. There are also different donation types to allow players to contribute money to their guild.




Unlike many MMORPGs in this game you can actually get married. If you love having a nagging wife yelling at you to put the trash outside, then you can get one in game as well!。

There are four different PK Modes in the game. You can switch to the mode you want to PK in at the bottom of your screen on the action bar.。


When I first started up the game launcher I could pick three options. These three options were “High Definition”, “Standard Definition” And “Low Definition” meaning that everyone can play this game no matter how bad your computer is. After I chose my option, I got at the server select menu, where I could choose for a specific server. There are just the normal servers to play on but there are also 'Classic' and 'World PK' servers to choose from.。



To upgrade your item with a meteor you have to see Artisan Wind. He charges you 1 Meteor to perform his upgrading service. Upgrading your equipment is a risk because it may be able to fail, and you may need more meteors then you might have planned. The higher level the item, the lower chance that he will be able to upgrade it. If you however do not want to risk losing your precious shiny balls you will have to go to the Equipment Blacksmith in the market. He has a 100% success rate in upgrading your items.。

The game was released in the year 2003. Back in that year the graphics were impressive. They have been upgrading it since but Conquer has fallen behind more modern mmorpg releases.。




At level 15, you are able to get a class promotion. With this promotion you will get a new title, enhanced attributes and you are able to learn new skills!。

The four different modes to choose from are:

PK: You will be able to attack monsters and players.
Team: Slay monsters and other players that are not in your current team or guild.
Peace: You can only slay monsters.
Capture: You can slay monsters and are able to attack criminals (pkers with a record demonstrated by their blue or black names)。


This game has a 'Mentor' feature to help new players get into the game. This feature lets you have a Mentor that will guide you into the world of Conquer Online! The Mentor can claim contribution from his apprentices. He can gain experience when his apprentice is grinding or share blessings when his apprentice activates a prayer stone. When an apprentice gets a +1 item dropped by monsters, the Mentor will receive a contribution point. When you reach 100 contribution points, the mentor is rewarded with a +1 stone. The only limitation on the mentor system is that the Master must be 30 levels above his apprentices.。


The Ninja is a mysterious class, they are cloaked in the shadow with the most devastating attacks. But have the lowest defense and health. The Ninja can equip an exclusive weapon, the 'katana', these Japanese made swords make the ninja possess that highest attack speed among the melee classes in the game. The special of this class is Poison Star; this skill makes it more difficult for their opponent to drink potions.。


Most MMORPGs are based around PvE, however Conquer Online is mostly based around PvP. The biggest aspect of the game is PvP. There are different Tournaments being hosted daily and there is even an arena. It is also possible to challenge another guild and have a guild war.。



The Archer is the master of the bow, they are not only able to shoot enemies at a distance, but also can engage multiple targets as well. The Archer is the only class available that is able to use the bow and arrow. Their special ability is 'flying.' This unique ability makes them fly in the sky and immune to physical attacks.。

The warriors can wield a wide range of weapons. They are also the only class able to equip a shield for bonus defense. The warrior can use every weapon in the game except for the bow and backsword. The warriors are also wearing the heaviest and strongest armor in the game. Their special is 'Superman'. When activated their attacks deal more damage to the target.。

The game still does its best to compete with the special effects surrounding skills. The spells in this game really shine and at least you won’t have to worry about your computer not being able to handle the game’s graphics.。


Monks, also known as Saints, are the support class in this game. They are known for their powerful martial and buff skills, so they are a helpful member of every team. They are specialized to help the group as much as possible by wielding skills such as dispels, auras and buffs.

First F1 2011 game review lands - 8 10 in

The first F1 2011 game review has landed via the pages of Official PlayStation Magazine UK, which awards the Codemasters racer an 8/10 score. OPM calls F1 2011 "a game about appreciation for the sport" that'll "change the way you watch the Sunday affo Grand Prix," while noting that it's still an "unforgiving and newbie-unfriendly" racer.It concludes: "There's no easy solution here, but one needs to be found. The road into F1 2012 needs to be smoother than the one into 2011 because the game deserves to be played."F1 2011 is out on September 23 and the latest gameplay video landed earlier this week.To read the full review buy Official PlayStation Magazine online and have it delivered to your door. Andy Robinson

Video What's the best action game of the

Have you voted in the GamesMaster Golden Joysticks 2011 yet? The Joysticks is the only annual UK awards that is voted for by gamers - the people who go out and buy the games. With that in mind, check out the nominees in the Action/Adventure category below... and then go forth and elect your favourite over on the official Golden Joysticks site.And while you're at it, why not have a gander at the GJ Facebook and Twitter pages?This year's event will take place on October 21st at the Westminster Bridge Park Plaza. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! CVG Staff


THQ MX Vs. ATV Alive DLC experiment was

THQ CEO Brian Farrell has admitted that an experimental new pricing structure the publisher tried with MX vs. ATV Alive 'was not a success'.In an attempt to "take some of our learnings from the free-to-play market and apply them to the console world", THQ released the off road racer at the budget price of $39.99, with less content on the disc than you'd expect in a full-price title, but placing a bigger focus on regular and substantial paid DLC packs that would allow players to selectively purchase the elements of the game they wanted.But Farrell said in a recent earnings call that while the reduced entry price "gave us good acceleration of sales, it just wasn't enough to drive the installed base to what we wanted to do". Ignoring factors such as the poor reviews for the game (63 and 62-out-of-100 Metacritic averages on Xbox and PS3 respectively), Farrell deemed the pricing structure a failure. "Our takeaway there is it's not a great model in the console market because with the high fixed cost of goods in the current console model, you can't get the price point low enough to drive that installed base for the client out there to drive the DLC."We thought the idea was (and still is) an interesting one - just poorly executed. The game, to start with, just wasn't good enough; the on-disc content was overly minimal to point of it feeling like a rip off despite the slightly lower price tag. But the thought of being able to pay for the parts of a game you want and leave out the parts you don't is appealing. We'd be interested to see how this build-it-yourself structure would work with a more desirable franchise - like Call of Duty, for example - and with a starting package that warrants the entry price tag and better-timed, more substantial DLC releases that truly allow gamers to craft the game they want.

Video What's the best MMO game of the ye

Have you voted in the GamesMaster Golden Joysticks 2011 yet?The Joysticks is the only annual UK awards that is voted for by gamers - the people who go out and buy the games. With that in mind, check out the nominees in the Best MMO category below... and then go forth and elect your favourite over on the official Golden Joysticks site.And while you're at it, why not have a gander at the GJ Facebook and Twitter pages?This year's event will take place on October 21st at the Westminster Bridge Park Plaza. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! CVG Staff

Rise Of Nightmares Video Verdict From X-P

Rise of NightmaresNews (1)PreviewsReviewVideos (6)Screenshots (5)Cheats and Walkthroughs Watch as X-Play's Blair Herter takes a look at the first M-rated Kinect game, Rise of Nightmares. One of the most common complaints about Kinect games is they are juvenile and geared towards children or families. Does the first mature game for Kinect answer our prayers? You can read our Rise of Nightmares review too. Rise of Nightmares Video Review »


Modern Warfare 3 art shows new locations

Activision has released a new batch of Modern Warfare 3 artwork ahead of the game's big multiplayer reveal at the Call of Duty XP event this weekend. The nine shots show a range of locations, from the now familiar New York harbour battle scene to new shanty town and jungle locations.Earlier this week it was confirmed that Modern Warfare 3 will make use of Valve's full Steamworks feature set.Check out everything you missed from the trailer for the game's new multiplayer mode in this Modern Warfare 3 Spec-Ops under the microscope video feature. Tom Ivan

New PS Vita games leaked

Images showing a few unannounced PlayStation Vita games have made their way into the pages of Famitsu and then been magically transported to the net for your viewing pleasure. Around 40 PlayStation Vita games are expected to be announced at Tokyo Game Show including Lumines: Electronic Symphony, Rayman Origins, Michael Jackson The Experience HD and Dark Quest, according to the Japanese mag. Others set to make debut showings at TGS include Dream Club Zero Portable, Ragnorak Odyssey, Sumioni and Moe Moe Daisensou. Check out a few of the shots below, via Kotaku.Sony has confirmed a 2011 release date for the Vita in Japan, but the handheld won't hit Europe or the US until next year. Tamoor Hussain

Early Access Realm of the Titans Hero Pre


Ultimate- Balancing Spear: Ritter throws a spear. On impact it takes an average of the enemy’s hp and mp and knocks both bars to this average. This is a very devastating ranged move to punish opponents that are out of mana but still high in hp.。




Misrefel represents one of the most feared of the offensive heroes. Her ability to deal damage at range and up close makes her a threat from any positioning. Only oppose her if you have a very good back up plan or you will find yourself another victim in her long killing streaks.。




By Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-Chief。

Ultimate- Blade of Vengeance: Misrefel launches her twin blades which track a target dealing considerable damage and slowing on impact.。



Ultimate- Siege Mode: Siege Mode grants ranged attacks with 100% splash damage for a duration of 40 seconds. The area of the splash damage is a sizable 300 units.。

The Offensive heroes are true to their name. They get up in your face, or blow you away with ranged physical damage like no one else can. If left unchecked, they will build into nightmarish foes that nothing will stand against come end game.。


Some OnRPG viewers may already be aware of Haz’zard from the hero showcase we did on him recently. I thought he seemed quite horrifying in the hero showcase, and he met all expectations when facing him ingame. Haz’zard’s ability to cause wide spread damage to an area is borderline absurd. In any team battle you have to take Haz’zard out asap or your entire team will be stunned and burnt to a crisp.。


Ultimate- Spirit Link: Charm a neutral creep that inherits Deccat’s base defense and magic resist. Charmed creep also inherits damage, attack speed, and health!。


Ultimate- Thunder Clap: Nevetira’s ultimate is one of the most spectacular and dreadful to watch in the game. She fires a volley of her thunder balls in a fan shape, slowing spreading out from their initial location. When you hit the spell button again the balls freeze in place for a quick moment. They will sparkle with energy and then target the nearest enemy and fly at them, doing 120 damage, 80 AoE damage, and causing a 0.1 second stun for each ball that hits a target. Ouch!。



Now to get back on topic! It’s the best and worst time in a game development cycle for Aeria Games this week. Their prized game, Realm of the Titans, which they have spent countless after hours testing and honing over the past year is finally amping up for closed beta access this Wednesday! Beta keys and press releases are being sent out, and there’s no turning back now!。



Ultimate- Time Bomb: A time bomb is attached to an enemy unit. After a considerable wait, the bomb explodes, dealing massive AoE damage. However if the hero dies prematurely, the bomb goes off immediately, making this ultimate a powerful surprise to throw on a nearly dead hero in the middle of the confusion of a team battle.。






Ultimate- Thousand Flames: Haz’zard releases multiple rings of fire that spread outward almost endlessly, at a speed of 300 units per second. If you’re stuck inside this range for the full duration, your chance of survival is extremely low.。

Silvar, aka the Houdini of the Woods, can initiate team fights and flee with hardly a scratch on him. This living treant might not be able to withstand the damage of some defensive heroes, but you’ll never catch him to finish him off!。

I think the Curse representative summed Samurai Spirit up best at our private press preview. “His ultimate can’t be targeted, runs faster than me, and deals massive damage. How is this balanced?” Samurai Spirit is a relentless pursuer that would sooner die than let his target escape him. If played right, all team fights should give your team a 1 member advantage.。

Abraxas is an interesting hero because he looks far too bad ass to be labeled as a support hero. He functions similar to the Demon Judge but with a few tricks that can save allies who get stuck in a tight spot.。


Now you have a strong knowledge of both the titan skills and heroes available to you in Realm of the Titans. With just days away until closed beta, it’s time to get together with your team and start theory crafting on what team builds you will use to dominate the Realm. Even now I feel a bit fidgety wishing I was at home playing ROTT instead of at work writing about it.。


Ultimate- Liaison to Hell: Dead Rider links enemy souls together. The enemy with the lowest hp takes extra damage based on the damage inflicted on his nearby teammates. This ultimate is nasty if you do not realize it is in effect because even if you hide on the back line, the damage inflicted on your tanks will still reach you.。



Spell casters play the role of controller in Realm of the Titans. Although they don’t dish out quite as much consistent DPS as the offensive heroes, their spells usually come with crippling side effects, aoe damage, and are incredibly powerful for ganking heroes in the early games when magic resistance is low and base damage is high. A properly played spell caster can set the pace of a match in the early game to help support offensive heroes build into unopposed end game monsters.。

Ultimate- Shaman King’s Curse: Pua-Pua is afflicted by the King’s Curse. This transforms him into a powerful buff action hero for a 25 second duration.。

Ultimate- Sword Storm: Concentrate Energy for 3 seconds or discharge on command. The longer you channel, the more damaging the swords are. Swords spread out in a line, shoot forward and converge on a target, and then break apart in a fan shape dealing more damage to foes caught behind the target.。



I myself have been having a blast seeing the various heroes in action while playing with my new friends at MOBAcast. We had a fun 3v3 scrimmage against them last weekend and Colby made a video of the epicness so check it out HERE. After less than a week of hands on time, things are starting to feel familiar and intuitive. Denying, last hitting, and harassing all form together into an intricate dance akin to a life and death piano tune (Ok I might have spent a bit too much time on Yue).。



Flame Wing is best described as the Ashe of Realm of the Titans. Through constant harass, he will whittle you down and then burst into action to steal a long range kill. Beware letting this hero free farm gold at all costs!。




Deccat is quite a tricky offensive hero. He’s hard to characterize but deadly if played in the right hands. Using traps and CC, he will leave you at the mercy of his ultimate.。

Casteele is tough to peg in one archetype of hero. However, due to his turret system that works similarly to heimerdinger, I classified him as a defensive hero for his intense ability to lock a lane down and punish anyone who overextends on the enemy team gunning for a kill. Casteele makes for quite the distraction himself to pull fire off hurting allies.。

Ultimate- Piercing Barrage: Flame Wing Fires a barrage of arrows that penetrate through targets and continue forward. He is immobilized while in this state but can still aim in various directions.。


Be sure to check out more works by Ajka at http://tirramisu.deviantart.com/.。


This nasty tiger-like.. . creature might be just a cute little kitty by himself. But in a team battle he is MVP. His ability to unleash the best in all of his teammates makes him truly shine as both a defensive and supportive hero.。






Ultimate- Order of Execution: Demon Judge places a death warrant on an enemy, causing damage over time to the marked foe. If a set amount of damage is inflicted to the target during the duration of the Order, a large additional amount of damage will be incurred at the conclusion of the hex.。


It’s likely because I’m a major Sona fan, but Yue fits so well into my usual playstyle that I ended up turning her into a carry hero against Realm of the Titan’s own GM team in our preview event. She is a jack of all trades support hero, featuring a heal, a slow, a shield, and a silence. This unpredictable ghostly musician is a game changer in the right hands.。



Ultimate- Majesty: Majesty is a two sided ultimate that can be used on allies or enemies. When used on enemies, you can visibility of the enemy while simultaneously doing damage over time and lowering all of their resistances. This is invaluable against heroes utilizing stealth or very mobile heroes that attempt to juke your team by running through the jungle. When Majesty is used on allies, it buffs all of their defenses and recovers a portion of their hp.。

Marroc is a hybrid hero that deals much more damage than the average support hero. His twin blades pack a punch and his ultimate can turn any team fight into a one sided massacre.。


As a support in Realm of the Titans, you carry the responsibility of three major roles. Deny, map awareness, and CC. Since supports aren’t as reliant as other heroes on farming gold, they are much more capable of focusing on your own minions and using the deny mechanic to last hit minions before enemies do, denying your opponents of valuable gold and experience. Since wards (items that grant vision in a set area of the map) are so cheap, it’s also best if supports keep wards up in all the major chokepoints of the map to give allies early warning of incoming ganks. Supports also excel at crowd control abilities, whether it be delayed damage (aka psychological damage), heals, or silencing spells.。




If you are playing one of these monsters, it’s your job to tell your team what’s up and ensure their strategy is based around getting you maxed out on all your stats as soon as possible. If you are against them, it’s time to deny minions, tower hug, and do whatever you can to shut them down while they are still vulnerable in the early game.。


Ultimate- : God Destroyer: Soul Taker vaults through the air to a target location, causing massive AoE damage on impact.。



Nevetira is a spicy little vixen that looks and feels like an unholy love child between LoL’s Janna and Ryze. With bursts of lightning, speed boosting powers, and a ranged tornado at her disposal, she will leave you harassed and confused.。


You may recognize him from OnRPG’s noob stomper image I posted earlier in the month. Aether is a glass cannon with far too many skill shots to count. But if played properly, he can be considered the most dangerous hero on the map, causing massive constant damage at melee and ranged distances.。

My award for most entertaining hero in Realm of the Titans goes to this weird little man. Though he can be played more as a spell caster than a support, I more preferred focusing on the support side of his build. He carries a large box on his back full of more tricks than Fiddle could hold a candle to. One of his most signature abilities is to create a clone of an enemy hero. The clone saps the power from the original Hero, channeling it as its own. And if Gadgetmeister attacks the clone, real damage is done to the original hero. And this isn’t even his ultimate!。

Soul Taker is quite a conundrum. Though not fast moving, he brings immense damage to targets he can slice his blades through. Most make the mistake of going toe to toe with him and then kiting thinking that the advantage is theirs due to Soul Taker’s inability to keep up with them. That’s usually their final mistake..。


Anyhow I felt it would be best to give a brief description of the heroes available at launch and what makes them each so special. This way OnRPG viewers will be in the know and get who they want on day 1 instead of fumbling through dozens of champions that don’t fit their play style and end up spending closed beta in the proverbial ELO Hell.。

Welcome back to episode 3 of OnRPG’s Early Access: Realm of the Titans series, focusing on the Heroes themselves! Before we get started I wanted to give a shout out to a fantastic artist named Ajka (Alicja Chrena) I met at Anime Expo who helped me bring to life the image of what Dizzy from Guilty Gear would look like inside the world of League of Legends.。


Ritter is the poster child for a Knight in Shining Armor. Acting as half tank and half support, he rides the front lines disrupting enemy heroes left and right while soaking up damage and protecting his more vulnerable teammates. He is definitely a high skill cap champion though so expect a few beat downs before you get the hang of him.。



As thanks for everyone who has followed this Early Access series, we will be providing keys granting guaranteed access to Realm of the Titans as well as a starter pack of goodies courtesy of Aeria Games. Stay tuned as the keys will become available later this week!。

Ultimate- Binding Chains: Within a range of 1500 units, Sealed Beast boosts all allies’ speed to equal the fastest ally. All enemies caught in the range will move as slow as their currently slowest moving teammate.。





Ultimate- Dragon Evil Release: Marroc releases the spirit of a fiery dragon from his blades, targeting and chasing a selected enemy hero for a period of time. This dragon will also damage any enemies it encounters while chasing the enemy hero. In a worst case scenario this skill will send a skilled enemy hero running for their life to protect their teammates. In the best case scenario, the enemy will be clueless who the dragon is chasing and result in a breakdown of enemy formations and an ensuing ace.。


Oh Pua.. how I despise you! You’re the Teemo of the ROTT world.. except Pua-Pua goes where he pleases! His Mid-Range tribal dart gun can cut down a wary enemy before they recognize its happening.。


Ultimate- Overgrowth: Silvar weaves roots through the ground, snaring nearby enemies and doing 80 damage per second.。


Don’t let the name fool you. Defensive heroes can still pack a punch in many cases. However these tanks can survive through virtually anything if built for it and still come out on top. Masters of split pushing and overextension, no one can scout or disrupt the enemy team quite like this set of heroes.。



Ultimate- Melody of Sorrow: Yue channels a tune that spreads similar to Haz’zard’s Thousand Flames ultimate. After a short period of time it takes effect, silencing and damaging enemies for every second they remain within her 1200 unit range. If uninterrupted, she seems to be able to channel this spell for 20 seconds straight if mana permits.。

Although I was unable to see much of the Demon Judge in play, his ability to support an offensive carry is uncanny and dangerous. The Demon Judge acts as the ultimate target caller in team battles, amplifying the power of his teammates so long as they follow his orders. Speaking of orders, opponents will have to be quick on their feet to get out of his ultimate alive.。

Ultimate- Tidal Wave: Summons a tidal wave that crashes forward, pushing enemies and minions 3,000 units back from the origin of the wave. This is amazing for buying your team time after losing a team battle.。


Tide Walker is a goofy little critter. He takes on the form of something between a sea monkey and a bull frog. His mastery over water spells and disruption is no joke though. He also has one of the greatest utility ultimates in the current game.。

This nasty little goblin-like creature and his trusted mount spread discord and chaos quickly and efficiently all over the map. Due to insane mobility, Dead Rider is a top tier roamer who will leave opponents in fear of overextending away from their towers’ protection. However not even this can save a team from Dead Rider’s team fight killing ultimate.。



Ultimate- Crimson Fury: Summons a giant samurai warrior who relentlessly pursues an enemy hero. Samurai Spirit can teleport to his summon at any time during its short duration.


Deus Ex Human Revolution review scores s

You've probably already seen our Deus Ex: Human Revolution review courtesy of Xbox World magazine, but if not we strongly suggest you go and have a butchers now. Elsewhere the review scores began to emerge at 5pm yesterday and they're looking good to say the least.Games Radar gives Deus Ex: Human Revolution full marks calling it "Intelligent, fun, challenging and beautifully realized." OXM agrees with Games Radar's assessment, giving Human Revolution full marks (10/10). IncGamers and 1UP also splurge all their points on the Eidos reboot.Destructoid and Strategy Informer weren't quite so enthusiastic but still gushed over the Square Enix reboot. Both gave it 95 percent with Destructoid saying, "This game is truly deserving of the name Deus Ex. In fact, there's no other name it could have had."Elsewhere Videogamer, IGN and Eurogamer awarded Human Revolution 90 percent.Of course there are also the magazine review scores to consider. Have a look at yesterday's mag Deus Ex review round-up to get an overview of how well it did on paper. Tom Pakinkis

EA's iPhone hit Cut the Rope gets sequel

Wildly popular iOS title Cut the Rope has received a sequel.Cut the Rope: Experiments is available on the iOS App Store today for £0.69, hoping to bolster EA-owned Chillingo's six million milestone for the original puzzler.The new game follows green star Om Nom as he's left on a scientist's doorstep, leading to 75 levels of experimentation with new items such as the rope gun and suction cup holders. Andy Robinson

PlayStation Home update Sodium 2 'Nemesi

This week's EU Home update sees the arrival of a big update for sci-fi racer Sodium 2, a Deus Ex: Human Revolution costume and puppies. "Set within the site of an ethically questionable and borderline illegal mining operation on the exoplanet Iridos, the twists and turns of this track will see you speeding past the abandoned machines and facilities that the long-gone corporations left behind. What's more, you'll also be able to prove your worth on the reverse version of this track."It adds: "New rocket boosters and hover engine upgrades will give you even more customizability options for your craft, allowing you to make the decisions that could see you sitting pretty at the top of the Sodium2 leaderboards."The game's also got a new "Holo-rank system" for your bragging tendencies, along with "a range of smaller improvements to Sodium2 based on your feedback such as the ability to quickly select new classes of vehicle in multiplayer, and removing chat bubbles in race."Those who want to dress up like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex: Human Revolution can do so by chicken-walking themselves over to the Alter Ego store. Oh, and Loot has puppies. PUPPIES! More info on this and the rest of the Home update is through the source link. Mike Jackson


Indiecade 2011 Videos Superbrothers Swo

Our super-awesome video production unit (aka: Frank and Neil) has been carefully crafting Indiecade developer profiles and interviews all day.Below, indie-fan, please find video of Nathan Valla showing off Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP. And, under the "Read More"tag, you'll find a video of Ryan Henson-Creighton, co-creator of the best game ever made on earth, Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure, discussing what it's like to co-develop a game with a five year-old girl. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP IndieCade 2011 Interview » Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure IndieCade 2011 Interview »

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