
Gorgeous Elder Scrolls V Skyrim screens

Bethesda's released another tasty-looking batch of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim screens, some of which we've seen before and some of which are new. They all feature imposing looking characters, including elfs, orcs and other races, and most look primed to attack.To see the title in rmtan, check out the first in-game footage, which was released last month.Skyrim's out on November 11. Here's what you'll get in the Collector's Edition. CVG Staff



EA's iPhone hit Cut the Rope gets sequel

Wildly popular iOS title Cut the Rope has received a sequel.Cut the Rope: Experiments is available on the iOS App Store today for £0.69, hoping to bolster EA-owned Chillingo's six million milestone for the original puzzler.The new game follows green star Ormtm as he's left on a scientist's doorstep, leading to 75 levels of experimentation with new items such as the rope gun and suction cup holders. Andy Robinson



Insomniac doesn't rule out more Resistanc

The Resistance saga is completed in Resistance 3 but there's much more to come from the franchise as far as Insomniac writer Jon Paquette is concerned. Talking to CVG in a recent interview, the FPS scribe implied that the story of series leads Nathan Hale and Joe Capelli was well and truly over - but that's not necessarily the end of the Resistance universe in games."At the end of this game it feels like a satisfying ending," he said. "I wanted to make sure that when you finished this game there were no cliff-hangers to make you wonder what's going to happen next. "It was really important to me to make it feel like the end of the saga. At the same time it was also important to make sure it felt like part of the saga. The story of Nathan Hale and Joe Capelli spans three games, but at the end of this it feels like that's one complete story."But Paquette went on to suggest that Resistance universe is much bigger than Hale and Capelli. When we questioned whether the writer was burned out and lookrmtio move on to new things, he responded enthusiastically:"Not at all. The franchise is really strong and I think the universe is great to play in. "You saw the reveal of Burning Skies [for PS Vita] over at Gamescom and that's just one example of another game that could be made on a different piece of hardware, with a different main character but in the same universe. "I think it's still fertile ground."Resistance 3 is out this Friday, September 9. Read our Resistance 3 review if you're thinking about buying it. Tom Pakinkis



Dark Souls trailer warns Prepare to die

Namco's launched a new cinematic trailer for Dark Souls.Much like last week's GamesCom trailer, it threatens death from every angle, this time usually at the hands of giant beasts. Watch in HD No comments yetrmt,the first! Dark Souls hits Japan on September 22, followed by a US release on October 4 and a European one three days later. Tom Ivan



Divinity 2 The Dragon Knight Saga Review

-Drags on at first。

At some point in the game (just to not spoil you) players will gain the powrmte transform into a dragon, which does not really look much like a dragon and more of a scaled bat. The good part is that you can fly, breathe fire, and take out enemy artillery as you do your quests. While you can't transform into a dragon in tight places like dungeons, it's always a treat to fly around and explore knowing that you are a lot stronger than everyone below you. Also, aside from having unique dragon skills, players also get items and equipment that can only be worn in their dragon form. It's not really as diverse as Human armor sets, but I’m glad to know that the developers put in the extra effort to give the dragon form some RPG depth.。


The Flames of Vengeance Expansion takes place immediately after the Eco Draconis campaign and revolves around the land of Aleroth (the last area of the first game). While players may be tempted to srmttwith it due to the darker and much more attractive character screen, I would advise you to finish the first campaign before pushing through with this expansion. In this expansion game, players are given level 35 starter character, which by far will be a half-baked character without proper skills provided that you did not finish the main game. Just another reason to make your way through the chapters in order!。

After creating their character, players start out as a newbie Dragon Slayer who is about to be welcomed into the order. Honestly I was enthralled by the overall concept of Dragon Slayers in this game where they forget everything about their past, gain mind-reading abilities, and the best part, get glowing white dragon eyes. The story starts off very slow, meaning you will be doing a lot of irrelevant tasks such as listening to gossip and scaring people to pay their debts; however, the game will be pretty hard to leave the computer once the story picks up. You encounter a dragon which at the time is your target, who will tell you that ons are not really the threat to the world and are currently fighting for a bigger cause. Sadly, tis all I can tell you, for you have to discover what happens next on your own.。

If you like Dragon warriors, Dragon eyes, and particularly everything Draconic, then you will definitely enjoy this game. Divinity II: The Dragon Knight Saga is not really a new game overall, but rather a remastered version of the original game 'Divinity II: Ego Draconis' and its awesome expansion Flames of Vengeance. Since the first game got a lot of major criticisms regarding bugs and other graphic issues, Larian Studios decided to give it another shot, especially since the game has a lot of potential as an action RPG. Ego Draconics played in an extremely bad manner, and most of the other reviewers deemed its Xbox360 counterpart as 'completely unplayable'. Funny though, since the REMASTERED game still had some issues shortly after being launched. The PC version seems to have encountered some frame rate issues, even if your PC meets the required standards on the box. The game however was patched, allowing players to set their desired frame rate capacity (silly, I know). Anyway, enough buil, and let's get down to the real content.。

-Great characters。

The game is of an Action RPG rather than one that requires simulation and strategy. Once you enter combat, you just continue hacking and slashing or using Slayer abilities to kill your opponents. It's not really such a bad thing since the characters move exquisitely, but it may get a little repetitive since this IS an RPG, and far from a hack and slash game. As players level up, they gain points that must be distributed in the skill selection menu in order to gain that particular power. There are tons of skills to choose from, and trying them all out was always a treat.。






-Epic story。


-Tons of voice acting。




The graphics, in my opinion, are mid ranged by today’s standards. They are not really as breathtaking as Dragon Age on the PC, but it looked marvelous despite the comparison. The armor sets look great, the characters look dashing, and the areas look diverse and colorful. The game suffers from a bunch of graphical glitches at times, such as clipping and frame rate issues. The frame rate option is actually a good add-on, but I would advise players to not boost it all the way up, unless they want to suffer some intense motion lag and weird bugs. The sorack on the other hand is most appealing, and really emphasizes the fact that you are on this epic adventure where the world is against you as you work your way towards your goal to save the world.。

-Good looking graphics (it looks good!)。



By: Kei Beneza (Dividelife), Onrpg Journalist。




Overall I would say that the game really had a lot of potential. Too bad the bugs really annoyed the hell out of me. One time I was fighting monsters, and the next thing I knew, I went through the floor and fell forever. The game really had a lot of bugs, but the expansion was pretty flawless. It's great that Larian studios decided to remaster this epic story, even though the remastered von felt like a rebugged one. Anyway, I still believe that people would have oodles of fun playing this, as long as they stay away from the original Ego Draconis and buy this bundle instead. You won't regret it.。


-Glitchy graphics, even for a supposedly remastered game。

-Dragon mode。



-Tons of bugs


Racing game genre decline not helped by '

The unfortunate demise of studios such as Black Rock and Bizarre Creations might be an indication of waning interest in the racing game genre. Activision boss Eric Hirshberg made it clear he thinks that a decline in the driving/racing game genre was a key factor in the decision to close the Project Gotham Racing studio, Bizarre Creations.However Jason DeLong, executive producer at EA and current steward for Need for Speed: The Run, has told CVG that enforced 'evolution' of the genre hasn't helped matters."I think one of the issues with racing developers is that they felt that things needed to change in order for things to continue to do well and as a result there's been a lot of quote/unquote 'innovations' in the racing space, which maybe was not necessarily the best focus" said DeLong.Continuing on the NFS veteran said he feels wish fulfilment is a big part of making a good racing game, often with thermt successful titles being those that effectively satisfy the player's driving fantasies. "I think at the end of the day a successful racing game is one that makes someone feel like a hero. Being able to pick up a controller, get behind the wheel of a 500 horsepower car that costs $200,000 and just drive it masterfully across an amazing landscape, that is what people want. If you deliver on that promise then I think you're three-quarters of the way there" he added.EA showed off Need for Speed: The Run at E3, it is the first game in the franchise to feature 'out-of-car' action sequences.



Zentia Tour Have Fire Monkey, Will Travel



Zentia Tour: Have Fire Monkey, Will Travel
By Jonathan (Ardua) Doyle, OnRPG Journalist。



Very quickly you are presented with an egg, mine hatched a cat. No I have no idea whrmtyot a cat from an egg, must have something to do with the fact that it knows the location ofeverything. Your pet is your hrmte in all things, but most importantly in travel. If there is underlined text in any quest, click and hit the big friendly button on your pets skill bar and it will autopath you. No more following of the magic yellow arrows for you... well that's not true you still follow the arrows but the magic egg animal will do it all for you. Not to be out-done, Mulberry Village (your starting area) will soon give you a donkey to make the travel even faster, also from an egg.。



The second thing that popped out at me as clever was the on not to simply give over my various loot bits to a vendor but to peddle them myself. Granted, when push comes to shove, if you need inventory space, heading to the vendor will likely be your primary means of getting cash and unloading your burden. Still the ability to pop up my own little stall filled with items I have come across at prices I have chosen really pleased me. Again this strikes me as something that will bring people together. I was not however impressed by the vanity clothing items I came across. I'm having enough trouble with the cute, you don't need to make me look like a cross dresser.。



Cloud Taxi



- Unfortunately out of place "westernization"
- Certain to be too cute for many.
- No clear reason behind your quest initially.。



I can't be all negative on the game. Even if my first impression is one of "cute" there were still things that I had not seen before. If you move around many games or even review many, new things are always a pleasure. Of course I know I haven't seen it all so what I may find new and thus good could be old hat to some of you. First up in Zentia was a tool handed out to all players that would allow them to solicit help from the player base if ever they became stuck on a quest. Having the ability to reward other people for coming elp you where you are stuck is certainly clever and I imagine it will help foster a close game population in the future.。

Zentia isn't the game for me, but I never set out thinking it would be. That said however, I can see why it would be the game of choice for many people. It's clean visuals, clearly explained quests and multitude of class options means that if you aren't sticking your kids on it (or don't have any... I don't suggest borrowing any) it can be quite a pleasant distraction in another window. Set your auto path and go back to writing that serious mail in serious world before popping back to the world of Zentia to set your fire monkey on some deserving guys. Ardy says give it a look.。

Here is where I am in two minds about Zentia. Visually the game is very appealing. My little fire-mage certainly could break out pretty little flame effects and every so often I'd come across pretty sights and enjoy the eastern vibes. Everything feels like it should for the setting presented. My problem comes in towards the end of the tutorial when you are taken on a flying cloud ride to the Serene City. I was at first very glad to have a little exposition. Helping Mulberry Village was enjoyable but I never really knew why I was doing any of it, so some explanation was more than welcome. Up until the moment the little fat cloud taxi man started talking well... like a taxi man. Little magical Eastern Myth fat cloud men should not be telling me to kick ass and that they will catch me on the flip side. Then again maybe I'm taking it all a little too seriously. What I have of Zentia is coherent in its own way, even if the text has been given an unfortunate western spin.。

Item interface

- Clean and quirky visual style.
- Easy to pick up and progress.
- Plenty of tools given to players.。



Quests and tools come quiet easily through the Zentia tutorial area and into the Serene City proper. I had some trouble getting used to the static camera view and so opted to swing it around as I felt necessary. Click on a loca and off you. Need to get somewhere further afield? Well then you should ask your omniscient pet.。


In a word, this game is cute. In several words, because "cute" doesn't quite tell you what youd to know about anything, Zentia is a quick, easy and visually pleasing distraction. Why "cute" for the description? Well from the opening cinematic to the character selection to the tutorial region, it simply is the best descriptor. I must admit most of the time I was unsure why I was doing any given quest beyond the fact that some short guy or guy in a dress insisted I should. Not all is lost though. The game, and it is a game outside my normal experience, lends itself to quick play. Pick it up, knock out a few quests of varying difficulty and put it down. At least that's how I would approach it. Children however may well eat this up. Your avatar is even a child of sorts and there is a casual ease in picking up a quest, following it to its conclusion and getting your reward.。



Skills are responsive, aggro in the tutorial is typically a non issue and lets you get used to your various abilities without eating dirt every time yander into an unpleasant area. Certainly at this stage in the beta process I have no complaints about the gameplay. Everything was stable and enjoyable on that front.


Ice-T unboxes Gears of War 3 Xbox, Lancer

It's going down. Ice-T yo, unboxing the limited edition Gears of War 3 Xbox bundle. That's right. Boom. Ahem. Rap star Ice-T voiced the character Griffin in the game, which is probably why Epic lobbed him the swanky Xbox almost two weeks ahead of its September 20 launch. It's a 320GB black and red 360 with two custom-designed controllers priced at $399. Thrmtedle also includes a copy of Gears of War 3, a wired headset and a download token for bonus game content, including the Infected Omen Weapon Pack and the Adam Fenix character for use in multiplayer.Also, the power and eject buttons have been customised with unique sounds from the "Gears of War" universe, which is possibly the best perk of all, but Ice doesn't show you that because he probably hasn't the foggiest. But hey, it's Ice-T so that's okay.He also unwraps an awesome full-size Lancer model. Yeah boy. Mike Jackson



Mu Online

Mu Online is a 3D MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Role-plrmta game) developed by Webzen. It is set in medevial times, and you may choose from three classes: Dark Knight, Dark Wizard, and Elf. You may also create a Magic Gladiator, a mix between a Dark Knight and a Dark Wizard, but you must get a character to level 220 before you can have access to him. There is no character creation system, every class member looks the same. You control your character with your mouse, and use the "Q", "W", and "E" keys for shortcuts in the use of items (health and mana potions, etc.). Now, on to the review.....

Mu Onlrmtias excellent 3D graphics for a MMORPG of its kind. It has very detailed character models, and (for the most part) good background scenery. The buildings in Mu are well-textured and very solid looking up close. The backgrounds have some very cool ambient effects, such as grass swaying in the breeze. All the monsters are well animated, and some are breath-taking. The spell effects are excellent (especially the Dark Wizard's lightning spell), usually very well animated and beautiful. Combat styles are usually very entertaining to watch, although some are pretty stupid. Overall, Mu's graphics deserve 8/10, because although they are good for the most part, some of the smaller things (such as chairs) look kind of sloppy.

Mu's sound is extremely annoying. I couldn't get the BGMs (Background Music) to work, and even if I had I don't think they would have helped . The monster's screechings and wailings are absolutely the most annoying stuff I've heard in a game. You try and play a whole day with budge dragons, hounds, and liches screaming at the top of their lungs. It almost drove me insane, so I rarely had the speakers on while I played Mu. The weapon sound effects are decen though, as are your footsteps. Mu's sound gets a 5/10 because although the monster sound effects are loud and annoying, the rest is pretty decent.

Mu's gameplay is somewhat of a mixed bag. The combat is pretty stale, I mean how excited can you get watching your character swinging stroke after stroke with you just sitting there staring. It's completely non-interactive, just click on a monster and sit back and enjoy the show. You can make it "interactive" by making it so that you have to click on the monster every time you want your character to attack (a la Priston Tale), but your finger will hate you for it. Spell casting and archery are automatic as well, unless you make the finger-cramping change. You can PK (Player-Kill) in this game, only it's not very rewarding. You can only PK once every 3 hours, unless you wish to branded as a murderer. If you are branded as a murderer, merchants will not sell you anything and you will have a greater chance of dropping one of your items if you get killed by another player. If another player attacks you, then self-defense will be set up against him. That is, you can kill them while you are defending yourself and you will not be penalized for it. The same goes for you if you attack, only vice-versa. However, if you become a murderer, will you NOT have the benefit of self-defense; if you attack back, it will set up self-defense against you(After 4-5 hours you will no longer be a murderer). If you decide to kill another player while you are still a murderer, you will become a Phonomaniac (I still don't know where they got that word from). If you are a Phonomaniac(you must wait 9 hours before you become normal again), players will not be penalized in any way for killing you, and you have even greater chances of dropping one of your items. Socially speaking, besides being able to create parties and join a guild, there is nothing much besides the ordinary sell/trade/buy stuff usually going on in the main town. Mu's Gameplay deserves a 6/10, because I dislike its PK system, and the combat system isn't very enga.

Final Comments
Mu could have been so much more, if the developers only had spent a little more time with it. They should have added a job system, or at least a skill system much like Runescape's. They should have had staff-run events, where the winners could recieve special pieces of armor, etc. I gave Mu 7/10 overall, because it can be very addicting, just don't exptoo much out of it. But, don't take my word for it, click the link below and download it for yourself (it's only 60 megabytes).


EA PS Vita 'faces a challenge to succeed

EA has warned Sony and Nintendo that their portable gaming businesses are under increasing pressure from mobiles and tablets. Jeff Karp, boss of EA's casual division EA Play, questioned the future of the traditional handheld gaming market in an interview with MCV this week.He said of PS Vita: "I think it looks like a great device, but the real challenge for all game handhelds is how they stack up against mobile and tablets. After all, how many devices do people want to carry?"We are a platform agnostic business and we want them all to succeed, but it will be challenge for handhelds," he added. "Just look at how smartphones and tablets continue to grow and emerge."Karp's comments are similar to those given by Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli earlier this month, when he said: "I love Sony as a company, and we have great relations with them, but the Vita is going to have a hard time against the next generation mobiles and all the tablets. The Vita is an absolutely fantastic platform but it will have a hard time, and it might be too latrmtentendo is certainly feeling the heat in the handheld market. Having shifted only 700,000 3DS units in the company's first financial quarter, it opted to slash the portable's price only six months into its lifecycle, a move that puts PS Vita in a tough position, analysts said today.



Sony repeats PSP 'philosophy' for PS Vita

Sony is holding steadfast to the game-centric "philosophy" it attached to PSP when it comes to selling new hardware PS Vita. The platform holder dedicated a significant chunk of its GamesCom showcase in Germany this month to showing Vita's social networking functions and general connectivity - hinting at a change in strategy compared to its handheld predecessor. However, speaking in the latest issue of Edge, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe boss Jim Ryan said that video games software was the priority for Vita - just as it had been with PSP."To the extent that PSP targeted the core gamer who was after a good gaming experience, the philosophy is basically the same," he said. "But I think the nature of [Vita] allows us to provide a differentiated gaming experience in a manner that the design of PSP simply did not allow."He added: "The core principle is to provide the best portable gaming experience possible. It's as simple as that."Ryan commented that PS Vita was seen at Sony as a "true digital device" - unlike PSP or PS2. "Where it ends up is going to be hard to tell at this stage," he admitted, "but it's of considerable interest to us."PS Vita will be launched in Japan before the end of 2011, but won't hit thrmteor UK until early next year. Watch in HD No comments yet, be the first! Order Edge Magazine and have it delivered to your door. CVG Staff



Ratchet & Clank All 4 One trailer shows

Sony has released the first in what it says is a series of Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One trailers focusing on the game's quirky selection of weapons. "The Insomniac Games team has always prided themselves on delivering over-the-top weaponry that gives you all kinds of ingenious ways to turn your enemies into space dust," said SCEE product manager, Ross Alexander. Sony confirmed in May that All 4 One will launch in the US on October 18 and acrossrmt regions from October 19, along with details on pre-order bonuses available at select retailers.



50% of Netflix users connect through game

Half of all Netflix users are streaming content via games consoles. The majority of the US movie and TV streaming service's customers watch content through a TV, with 50 percent connected via PS3, Xbox 360 or Wii. according to new research from Nielsen.The firm formtuhat 53 percent of Netflix customers use the service primarily to watch movies, while 11 percent watch mainly TV.Earlier this month, Variety claimed to have heard from leading European film distributors that Netflix plans to launch its content streaming service in both the UK and Spain in the first quarter of next year.



Star Wars The Old Republic, Battlefield

EA has revealed record-breaking pre-orders for Battlefield 3 and Star Wars: The Old Republic ahead of their respective launches this October and this "holiday". According to the publisher's CEO John Riccitiello, pre-orders for DICE's shooter "are tracking extremely well", at more than ten times the rate of those the publisher saw for Battlefield: Bad Company 2.Meanwhile, the company says BioWare's MMO has broken EA pre-order records.According to Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz, channel checks "indicate that [Battlefield 3] pre-orders are roughly comparable to those of Call of Duty: Black Ops last year, which has gone on to srmtever 20 million units", although not as strong as those for Modern Warfare 3.EA started taking pre-orders for Star Wars: The Old Republic last week, when it detailed three separate editions of the game.



Wonderland Online Review

When I think of a Wonderland, I think of a magical prairie filled with unicorns, butterflies, rainbows and sunshine. While you may think of this yourself as you first step into the game, do not be fooled by it's cutesey graphics. It may look like a two year old's episode of “My Little Pony”, but it's not. If you can take the game seriously, it has a lot to offer, MMORPG-wise. It has a unique combat system, a great economy, an amazing community and a very light emphasis on experience and such. It's a great casual game that pretty much anyone can go right in and start playing.。 GraphicsWhile some people are completely fine with the 2D cutesy graphicsrmt,er people who just can't accept 2D will obviously not even try the game. I preferably loved them. It reminded me very much of Golden Sun. The animations are pretty smooth, graphical effects are nice and crisp. There's nothing particularly wrong with them for a 2D game; it's just that some people actually need 3D to enjoy a game. Of course, this comes down to the big “graphics or gameplay?” question, and if you are a fan of gameplay, definitely try out Wonderland. If you're a big graphics junkie, I would probably stay away from Wonderland, as you'll probably be too put off by the 2D design to enjoy the actual game. 。 by Michael Justice, Onrpg writer。 Quests and StorylineThere are some obvious quests that you have to do, such as talking to people, killing X monster 5 times, gathering X flower on the ground... and then there is the storyline for each individual NPC ally. It firsts becomes apparent that there is an actual storyline when you run into a local NPC being attacked by enemies. You kill the bad guys and she joins your party. From there on, a cut-scene will happen when you progress to an area she is linked with. Sometimes, when you have witnessed a key cut-scene, you will get a constellation. I really like this part, it's pretty neat, and I have to say that while I wasn't so much in to the whole combat, I was really tied to the storyline of the NPCs. While this is cool and all, your character, the one you made, has virtually no effect on the storyline other than helping out the NPC allies. It's kind of like reading a book, which some people enjoy, although, some people prefer to being part of the story. Either way, in the current day and age where MMORPGs hardly even try to have storylines, Wonderland does a great job at it. 。 GameplayAs I logged in for the first time back in closed beta, I remember being very questionable about the character creation. You can apparently choose a starting “character” and a corresponding element. The characters themselves are supposedly part of a story... like a boat they were all on crashed and... something or other... anyway; there's a decent amount of characters to choose from so it's not like everyone is walking around as Bob. The element you choose as well as the fighting style you pick probably is the most important thing you decide while choosing your character. All elements have physical offensive skills and offensive magic skills, so you can choose if you want to be a sword slinger or a magic magician. 。 After creating your character, and viewing some sequences you'll be right smack dab in the middle of the game. You'll get your first pet, a monkey, which will help you in combat! There is a bunch of other NPCs you can get as partners to aid you in battle, which I think is pretty nice. It can change the horrifyingly dull combat up a little. Now some people only play a game for the combat, however, those people probably will be disappointed in Wonderland then. While Wonderland does offer a unique turn-based combat system, there's only so much you can do in combat before you get instantly bored of it. I mean it's basically just pressing attack over and over again. To make up for this little bit of slack, there is a quest to get a “remote control”. This little gadget will let you legally bot... yes... legally bot in the game. Just set the orders and you're free to go! It's not very fun, but, there is a lot more stuff to Wonderland than just the combat! 。 ConsNot 3D graphics (if you don't like 2D)Combat is monotonousNot much character customizationCan take a while to get somewhere in crafting。 As you kill monsters and such you'll get a bunch of materials you can use for crafting. I have to say that the amount of things you can craft in Wonderland is simply astounding. You create things inside of your magic tent, which can expand to the size of a mansion if you work on it enough. There is no “skill” for manufacturing, you just have to posses the right amount of materials as well as the proper tools to make it. It is quite fun if you like little hobbies like this, because I know people who can spend hours just doing that kind of stuff. I certainly had fun with it. You can make all kinds of stuff from weapons and armor to cars and spaceships to carpets and windows for your tent. I would have to say that this is definitely Wonderland's killer feature for the game and people must try this part out before they give up. There's also stuff like fishing, mining, wood chopping and collecting, which is used to gather stuff to craft with, although those do depend on skill levels to how fast you can collect them. 。Personal recommendationIf you like gameplay, and you like things in an MMORPG other than combat, Wonderland can definitely keep you sucked in for a while. There's a lot to do and it's very easy to do. It's a game to have fun without any competition. Make some friends, hang out together fishing or invite them into your tent for a quick dip in your hot tub! 。 ProsAn actual storylineExtensive and detailed crafting systemHousing and other various things to do other than grindUnique combat system to MMORPGs



Deus Ex Human Revolution - Where's cheap

If a round up of gushing reviews from around the web haven't convinced you to buy and play Deus Ex: Human Revolution by now nothing will. But before you rush out and throw down your hard earned Queen sheets for a copy of Eidos Montreal's latest you'd do well to cast your eyes on our price round-up. It might save you a couple of quid.First up in the Human Revolution price war are the usual online duo: Play and Amazon. Play has the PC version for £27.99, while the console editions are priced at £38.89. Both of these come with the 'Explosive' mission pack. The 'Augmented Edition', which has extra weapons and a DVD is priced at £39.99 on PC and £47.99 on consoles.Amazon's prices are largely the same, the only differences being the Limited Edition on PS3 is £35.66. GameStop is one of the cheaper options out there and will sell you Human Revolution on console for £35.97 or on PC for £24.97.ShopTo's lowest Deus Ex price is £36.85 and its PC price is £25.85 for the standard edition.Also going with £36.85 for the console versions is Zavvi, or you can get it for £27.85 on PC.Tesco is offering the cheapest Deus Ex: Human Revolution price among the supermarkets so far, selling the sci-fi stunner for £30 when purchased with a pre-order for Battlefield 3, Gears of War 3 or Batman: Arkham City.Meanwhile Sainsbury's is selling the game for £33.99 and Morrisons is going with £34.99.If digital downloads are your thing Human Revolution is available on Valve's Steam service for £29.99. Direct2Drive undercuts Steam by a couple of pennies and it's priced the game at £29.95. Pennies make pounds.As always if you spot rmtaarticularly good deals let us know in the comments below and we'll move the best into the round-up. Happy bargain hunting. Tamoor Hussain



Square Enix profits shrink 62%

Square Enix has reported a disappointing set of financial results for the three-month period ended June 30, 2011 Profits shrunk 62 percent year-over-year to just 690 million yen (£5.4 million), while sales were downrmt ercent to 24.5 billion yen (£191.3 million).Square president Yoichi Wada said in a statement: "In a quarter without major title releases, profit and sales were lower compared to the previous year."We are focusing all our efforts on rebuilding the group businesses during the current fiscal year toward generating a substantial earnings recovery from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2013 and beyond."Square published an updated product release schedule as part of its financial results, which said Final Fantasy XIII-2 will launch in Europe in "early 2012". Tom Ivan



Mass Effect 3's winning femshep in wallpa

BioWare has shared this lovely high-res wallpaper of the female Shepard that fans of the series helped design. If you can recall, BioWare held a series of poles to determine the best default look for the female Shepard. First you chose her look and hair style, then hair colour and this red head is the result. Drawn by BioWare's new concept artist Patryk Olejniczak, the image below is wallpaper size unless you have a monitor the size of an IMAX screen, and you can look out for her mug ormtn cover of the Collector's edition of the game, full details for which can be had over here.Mass Effect 3 is due for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in March next year. Mike Jackson



51 games pulled from sale in Norway follo

Multiple Norwegian retailers have temporarily removed over 50 games from sale following the recent attacks that killed 77 people in a government building and youth camp. According to domestic reports (via Gamasutra), Coop Norway and Platekompaniet voluntarily made the decision to suspend sales of a number of violent games including first person shooter Homefront, Sniper Ghost Warrior, Counter-Strike Source and the Call of Duty series, as well as MMO World of Warcraft.Alleged attacker Anders Behring Breivik mentioned World of Warcraft and of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in a 1,500-page manifermtsritten before the attacks. He reportedly said he used the former as cover for being out of contact with friends and family, while he viewed the latter as a potentially effective training tool. Tom Ivan


Wakfu CB Impressions - Quick look into a

peaking of which, Wakfu is a game that's filled with light hearted humor and definitely doesn't take itself seriously. It's hard to go even a small moment without seeing something that will make you chuckle or at least just put a smirk on your face, like that Sammo Hung reference or Pandrmtaaster that likes to sit on a stick of bamboo all day.。

Whenever the farm had too many or too few gobballs around, Mimi (who supports acts of Wakfu) would come out and plant seeds everywhere to spawn more of them, while Wolfgang (who supports Statis) would walk around and eat every gobball in his sight. Personally, I thought it was more fun watching Wolfgang eat everything with his huge fork and rmtk, unlike Mimi walking around planting stuff with his huge bug eyes and flower basket.。

The more I played Wakfu, the more I fell in love with the game's buttery smooth animations that resembled the animated series quite nicely, af which made me feel like I was in a living cartoon.
Overall, I had a lot of fun trying out Wakfu, and most of my enjoyment came from the tutorial areas alone. The quick pacing of combat makes this tactical RPG a lot more enjoyable compared to the others I've played, plus rich visuals prove that 2D will never go out of style, not to mention the impact of players affecting the game world makes Wakfu perfect for some actual role-playing, which you don't see a lot of these days with MMOs.。


Age of Empires Online First Look

Being an old Age of Empires fan myself, I was quite excited to hear that a new Age of Empires Online title was coming out, and better yet for free! I will admit I was a bit skeptical as rmttw well the new game would turn out, but after getting the chance to play around with it a bit in the open beta I am confident where it is headed.。

I have yet to germtthance to test out the multiplayer components but I am curious to see how they play out. I do worry that because of the need to level up in order to gain access to new skill points and unlocks, newer players looking to play more than just the quests early on may be at a huge disadvantage. Still the game is being developed by some of the original creators of Age of Empires. So with any luck we will have a great free to play RTS with some awesome MMO elements mixed in! Be sure to check back in to OnRPG for new updates and a full review!。


Age of Empires Online combines a progressive MMO setting with a traditional RTS single player and Multiplayer. This is all accomplished with the introduction of the player's home town. At the start of the game you are aske choose a nation (currently only one nation is playable) and name your home town. This town serves as your base of operations as you take up quests offered up by different citizens in your town.。





Remember Age of Empires? Well if you consider yourself any sort of RTS buff you should. The Age of Empires series in the past has been one of the most essful RTS franchises (yes there have been other popular RTS franchises other then Starcraft). The originals have won countless awards and have solidified themselves in the RTS hall of fame.。





By Michael Dunaway (Spunkify), OnRPG Forum Manager。


The quests themselves play out like your typical single player RTS campaign missions. They give you a few objectives and some starting resources and town folk to work with. Everything plays out just like it did in the original AoE titles but with an added layer of MMO sprinkled on top. Whereas the traditional Age of Empires introduced you to new unit types as you progressed. Age of Empires online allows you to complete missions to unlock new items and structures within your home town. On top of this your home town also levels up giving you access to the three skill trees to spend your skill points in. The skills range from opening up new unit types, to allowing your workers to build buildings faster or gather resourquicker. I can definitely see a huge potential for strategy here as players customize their home town to match their personal tactics.


Dungeon Fighter Online Official Launch In


Female Gunner

The idea for the Public Test Server was to open it periodically to a select group of players when we have a lot of really cool new content to test. The more eyes the better. But we also want player feedback so that we can shape new content for the better. We listen to our fans all the time, reading the forums, offering things like the PTS, thrormtwout polls. We want to make the best game for our players that we possibly can.。


OnRPG: Alright, well let's jump right into the good stuff: What can players expect from the official laurmtnf DFO?。


Agh, how much of a hint can I pbly give. Just rest assured that Dungeon Fighter Online aims to be every bit as robust and exciting as the Asian incarnations of the game.。

Much of the lag issue we are facing is due directly to difference in the internet infrastructure between the US and Korea. And, yes, we have made tremendous progress toward closing the gap. We are adding to the service several ways for players to optimize their game as well. Dungeon Fighter Online runs on a peer-to-peer network, meaning that the stronger your connection with fellow players, the less network issues you will experience.  We've designated half of our servers for the Western side of the US and Canada, and the other half for the Eastern side. To encourage players to use the server that corresponds to their region, we are offering a 5% EXP bump. This empowers our players with the ability to find their most lag-free game.。

OnRPG: What about lag and latency issues? Have these issues been resolved before launch?。

It's a big moment for our team. Dungeon Fighter Online is one of the most popular games in the world and now we're officially bringing all of its fighting action excitement to North American gamers. There is something in DFO for every type of gamer: Anyone who has ever played an arcade fightinge is going to flip out about how cool the combat is, pummeling through dungeons until you get to the boss monster-super classic; RPG fans are going to love choosing a class, leveling up, creating a skill build, equipping the right type of weapons and armor to compliment their unique brand of monster bashing; and PvP players are going to love how many different ways there are to beat up on their friends and strangers alike.。


The biggeiece of news is our launch of the Female Gunner, the sixth available character class. She has a lot of the same killer skills as her Male counterpart, but with a few new surprises, not the least of which being that she's faster. We also have three new sub-class Awakenings open to high-level players; the Slayer's Soul Reaper, the Fighter's Hellcat and the Gunner's Machinist. And for the hardcore player that absolutely needs monsters as hard as freaking possible, the Hell Mode will, hands down, kick ass. But if you can get through it, there are some amazing rewards, like Epic Items, the most powerful weapons and armor introduced into the game so far, twelve times more powerful than the typical Dungeon Fighting gear.  Now, because we know that Dungeon Fighter is a lot more fun when playing with your friends, with our official launch we are expanding the old beta size of the guilds by doubling the guild level cap to 10 and cranking up the membership limit from 50 to 300. Of course, we will be throwing a whole slate of events for the launch.。

We taking severe action against hackers and gold farmers. We take the issue very seriously. We have set up new security systems, some of which you might notice when we launch on June 9th. We have been actively going after users who exploit the game, both technologically and litigiously have been so aggressive about this that we have driven up the price of gold being sold on third party sites. Automatic bans, game blockers, legal action, diligent responses to reported situations by our internal investigations team-all have proven very effective. But there is one thing our players can do to really help us make DFO a safe and friendly environment for all-don't purchase gold from gold farming sites.。

OnRPG: So now dons include "Hell Mode". How much harder will it be compared to a King's Road dungeon run? (I can only imagine, since King's Road is already pretty darn hard!)。

OnRPG: What about PvP? Will there be any new modes or arenas for DFO players to battle in?。

For the official launch, no. We got the Female Gunner, Hell Mode, new Awakenings, Guild expansion, optimized connection updates, a whole host of events. This is a big update. But we are following this up throug the summer with some pretty heavy duty additions that will make long time DFO fans very happy, and blow the minds of brand new fans.。

OnRPG: Nowe's something else about DFO's current state that I'd like to ask: Bots. Gold Farmers. They've been running rampant all over the world of Arad for quite some time. Is your team at Nexon taking any precautious to getting rid of them once and for all?。

OnRPG: During the testing period, a public test server was opened. Will the tserver remain active after the official launch or will it be removed?。

OnRPG: Here's a personal question I'd like to ask: The timed selectable avatars. Itinally nice to be able to look you want, but is there any chance of there being permanent selectable avatars?。


Already we have One-on-One Play, Team Play for up to four vs. four, Elimination in which your team lines up against another and you step in when the teammate in front of you falls, and then an all out Brawle where up to eight plays can just tear into each other until one is left standing. So as far as modes are concerned, I think we got the basics covered. There might be new modes in the future, but for now, we feel players are really digging the arena. As for new PvP maps, these are very likely on the horizon, but we want to get a lot more content out first.  。

On June 9th 2010, Dungeon Fighter Online will be going "official". Well, that is to say, it will be going into official service. For those who haven't heard of Dungeon Fighter Online before, it's a massive multiplayer online hack n' slash/beat 'em up in the resemblance of classic arcade titsuch as Final Fight, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and D&D: Shadow over Mystara. With this upcoming launch, you can expect a load of new features that will excite both DFO veterans and newcomers alike.。


Do I honestly have to explain the difference between boys and girls here? It's the size of their guns. I'll let you decide whose is bigger. A lot of their skills are the same, the common ones: Gatling Gun, Flamethrower, etc. But there are some specific skill differences. She has the Marilyn Rose instead of the Male Gunner's Jack Spike, Topspin Kick instead of the Windmill, and the ever popular Spriggan instead of the Punisher. She's also faster, but sometimess less damage because of it. Though she too comes from Empyrean, she has an entirely different back story. When you create a Female Gunner you'll be able to read her intro comic. She starts locked in a prison cell, and you won't believe what she does to escape.。



Dungeon Fighter Online: Official Launch Interview
Questions by Michael Sagoe (mikedot), OnRPG Journalist
Answered by Luis Reyes, Associate Producer for Dungeon Fighter Online。








Soul Reaper






OnRPG: I noticed that your team at Nexon decided to host a skill reevent. What convinced you guys to give them out for free?。

Of course. For all the reasons we mentioned above, we can't do this all at once. Dungeon Fighter is a unique and highly complex game. By building it in stages, we ensure the quality of the game for everyone. We'd also like to emphasize that DFO is its own service. We are drawing from  the catalogue of features and content that already exists, but we creating a new experience, in the order we are releasing content, the speed at which we are doing it, and even in how we are developing original content for the game, such as a new NPC that was recently voted on by our fans. Above all, we are offering a service of the highest quality and have shaped our development and release schedule to ensure that.。




OnRPG: So is there anything else you'd like to add?。

OnRPG: Hello! First off, I'd just like to say congratulations on your officiaunch for DFO! How do you and your team at Nexon feel about all this?。



OnRPG: Will there be any new areas or dungeons for our DFO playeo visit during the official launch?。


First, we wanted to offer players who have committed time and energy to their characters something truly valuable. We're giving away skill resets, which normally sell for NX 25,000 (and if you spend some time with the game, you really will get a sense about how valuable these things are), to all characteho, on June 9thare at level 30. By level 30 you really start getting a feeling for minor changes you'd like to see in your skill build that will mean the difference between knocking a boss monster down in one run and having to drop Life Tokens to take him out. We're hoping that players are going to support the game in the future by buying skill resets. Now, we aren't leaving Femalnners out of this. We have a separate event for them. We want to encourage players to start a Female Gunner on June 9th and level her up fast, because on June 30th, we will be giving all Female Gunners who have reached level 30 a free skill reset.。


Just that we thank all he players who have so far made DFO such a great success, and we welcome everyone to download the game and player for free today by visiting http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net!。

OnRPG: So what makes the female gunners different from male gunners?。




As a DFO fan myself, I was more than eager to take this interview, so I spoke with a representative over at Nexon US to get scoop he official launch!。

Dude, everything you have spoken will come to pass. It's as if you have augured the path of DFO. I can't give you a lot of details now, but diehard DFO fans will have plenty to celebrate as we move into the fall. The auction house, the priestesign, tower battles, and much, much more.。


OnRPG: Another question that I'd like to ask on behalf of all the hard DFO, D&F and Arad Senki fans: Does your team at Nexon have any intentions of having DFO catch up to its foreign counterparts?。

Machinist Gaelbog Fight







Pretty darn hard times ten. There are several stages to even getting into the Hell Mode in the first place. You have to go through a quest series to obtain a ling Stone, then you have to find the Seal Gate in the regular dungeon (the harder the mode, the more likely you will find it), then you have to break the seal and let the evil minions out. And they just keep coming at you, with attacks you have never even dreamed of in your worst nightmares. You can only use three Life Tokens as well, so you better haul cases and cases of health potions in with you.。

OnRPG: Well if you can't say for this interview, d you at least drop us a hint as to when we might be getting those features? *wink wink* *nudge nudge*。

Just wait for the launch.。


OnRPG: Now I'm going to ask something that I'm pretty sure is on the minds of every diehard Dungeon Fighter Online fan (or Dungeon & Fighter fan or Arad Senki fan): When are priests going to get their time to shine? The player run shops are nice, but wouldn't it be nicer if players could auction their items, instead? PvP makes for decent endgame content, but wouldn't itbetter if players could go to war with each other or battle monsters in some crazy old towers instead? Come on, spill it!。



OnRPG: Well thank you for your time! It has been a pleasure doing this interview with you and I can't wait for the official launch! In fact, I'm going to jump back into DFO and start working on my Blade Master, a!。




Allods Online Review It's not WoW

Allods is a grinding, story-driven MMORPG. Your main way of levelling in Allods is through the quests, which NPCs will provide for you. Grinding alone will take a while because the quests provide more experience points. I think this levelling system really forces you to do the quests. A lot of players who are used to grinding will find it unacceptable that you are relying on quests to level up. Though I think this works well for Armtl because it emphasizes that the game is story driven. However, relying heavily on quests in Allods may in fact be bad in the long run. Repetitive questing can take a toll on players and can eventually make them quit the game.。

If you started the game with the Imperial faction, you've already experienced what a ship looks like. You eventually get to control your own Astral ship. Like in building real ships, owning one takes time and a lot of money. However the benefits of having a ship really outweighs the cons. You get to travel around and see the beautiful world of Allods. You can also experience ship-to-ship barmtt similar to what you experienced when you started with the Imperials. The Astral Ship experience doesn't stop with just the creation. Astral Ships need to be manned too. Similar to real ships you need to have a navigator, helmsman, engineer, repairmen and of course gunners. I haven't seen how this works in the real player perspective but as far as I can see this can work out especially if you have friends who can man those posts in your ship.。

I cannot deny the similarities that Allods has with World of Warcraft. However, I was very surprised that the game did not follow with a cinematic opening. Once you create your character (belonging to either the League or the Imperial side) you are immediately put into the middle of the action.  The game practically puts you right in the middle of the story, which is similar to Dungeons & Dragons Online. You actually get to see how the story developn the League side you actually witness a change in the environment when you are invaded by the enemy. In the Imperial side you are given a taste of what you will be experiencing and what it means to be part of a ship. I was really taken aback with what I saw in the game because you can only experience these things when you're playing a P2P MMORPG.。

Character selection on the other hand reminded me of Neosteam. The Gibberlings were thlod version of Neosteams furry Poms. Elves meanwhile, have wings. Yes, that's right, all elves in Allod have wings (nice going Allods team, another game that exemplifies the "feminine" nature of elves, male or female. Personally though I'm a League summoner so I'm really complaining). The game pushes the archetypical classifications of a lot of the races found in MMORPGs. However I personally don't think you will notice much because the character designs are so good.。

Playing Goblinoball



The job system in Allods is similar to a lot of MMORPGs out there. There are no faction exclusive jobs in Allods. The job class' names may be different but tlasses have a corresponding "alternate" job in the opposite faction.。


Allods Online Review: It's not WoW
By Vincent Haoson (Vincenthaoson), OnRPG Journalist。

Interface at the inside of a Ship



There are a lot of faction centric features in Allods Online. Most of them concentrate on faction vs. faction warfare. However there is one game system in Allods that doesn't consider a groups fac in segregating players. It's the official alternative for questing, PvE and PvP. It's Goblinball. The objective of the game is to kick the goblin that serves as the ball into the enemy's goal. Similar to soccer your task is to defend your goal while scoring. Goblinball is an enjoyable sport/mini-game to play. It successfully gives players another thing to look forward to aside from the daily grind.。


There have been a lot of MMOs lately that have taken the WoW interface and used it in their own MMORPG. Developers who have taken this route have had hits and misses which ended in the labelling of their MMORPGs as mere "WoW Clones". Allods Online is a good example of such an MMO. You can see a lot of WoW elements incorporated to its interface and gameplay. However, what separates Allods Online from other half-baked MMORPGs is that it has managed to refine itself into an MMO that can get the attention of even a jaded gaming mt.。

Personally, when I saw the game trailer and heard of the pertinent game features I wanted to jump the gun and play Allods. Now it seems that I wastified on hoping that I would get myself into a great game. I don't think Allods Online will ever topple WoW. However, Allods for sure will provide good competitive encouragement for MMO developers because there's a F2P of this calibre. I cannot say that Allods is a perfect MMO at the moment, because it's just in OBT. The game has a lot of potential and I'd be keeping my eye out for game updates in the future.。

Allods mages are not overpowered. Magic spells can actually miss in Allods. Though the spells still retain the magic attribute, it is not guaranteed that they will always hit. According to one player who I was able to talk to, he mage is a crit type. Anyone and everyone who has played a lot of MMOs would think that eird. However, based on what I experienced with my summoner, I think that's a good way of allocating points.。



Another unique system in Allods Online is that ther a stat allocation system. Unlike other MMORPGs of this calibre, you can allocate stat points. The levelling system in Allods is similar to a lot of stat based MMORPGs out there. It means that you get stat points whenever your character levels. There is still a job and class locked growth system in Allods but with the stat system in place, you can actually customize and create your own build. I personally think that the Allods game system is a refreshing take on character development. People who are used to mages always hitting and nuking inform the sidelines are forced to rethink their strategy in Allods.。


On board a flying ship

Allods Characters






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