Dragon Age IINews (22)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (30)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs (61)Dragon Age IINews (21)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (30)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs (57)Dragon Age IINews (22)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (29)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs BioWare's got some good math going on for its next DLC release: Dragon Age 2 + assassins + Felicia Day = surefire winner. "Mark of the Assassin" is the next downloadable add-on for the developer's 2011 RPG, and it's coming to your platform of choice on October 11,Lineage2 RMT, a new trailer confirms.The new story, which can be accessed at any time after you've reached your home in Kirkwall, features the voice talents and likeness of The Guild star Felicia Day, who plays Tallis, a rogue who excels at both close and ranged encounters. Your hero will accompany Tallis as she attempts to steal a valuable jewel -- called The Heart of the Many -- from an Orlesian baron's private fortress,アラド戦記 RMT.The DLC will add new items, enemies and environments to the game as well as "a new, tactical way to play with the return of Stealth gameplay," BioWare's Chris Priestly writes in the game's forums. ",ro RMT;Mark of the Assassin" arrives on October 11 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, for $9.99 / 800 MS Points.
Batman Arkham City - Joker's Carnival DL
Tesco is offering an exclusive Joker's Carnival Challenge Map to customers who pre-order Batman: Arkham City,ドラクエ10 RMT. Here's the official description of the DLC: "Are you brave enough to step into the Joker's house of fun? Can you defeat armies of deranged killers in a fight to the finish, hosted by the clown prince of crime in a twisted game show where the only prize is survival,aion RMT?"Tesco says those who pre-order the game will receive a code to unlock the content within two business days after their order ships.Yesterday,DQ10 RMT, Microsoft revealed a very cool-looking Batman: Arkham City themed Xbox 360.The latest two batches of Arkham City screens have shown off Penguin's museum and Mr Freeze. Tom Ivan
'Curb' Star -- I'm HOPING For a Spin-Off!
Joanie and Chachi did it ,ドラクエ10 RMT... so did "The Jeffersons" ... so ya think there's a chance Leon from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" can lock down his own spin-off too??? We spoke to JB Smoove in NY yesterday -- who told us he's already come up with a couple of titles ... just in case if the powers that be at HBO ever give his character "Leon" his own show,aion RMT. Keep your fingers crossed.
Syphon Filter 4 release date 'winter 2012
The Syphon Filter series will be making a long-awaited return with the release of a sequel on PS3 late next year, according to new rumours. The Official PlayStation Magazine in Italy reports, via Sillegamer, that Syphon Filter 4 is in development for PS3 and is targeting a 'winter 2012' release date. "Syphon Filter 4 is slowly gearing up for a release on PS3. Expect a launch for Winter 2012," it said,ドラクエ10 RMT, according to translations. This follows previous rumours which claimed Sony accidentally revealed the third-person action game via an online post that was swiftly pulled down. But not before internet people noted some details,メイプルストーリー RMT, which apparently revealed that it'll be a sequel to Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, which was released for the PSP in 2007, and will use a brand new engine developed at Sony Computer Entertainment London to "revolutionise" the stealth gameplay genre. Mike Jackson
10月28日,记者来到了西屯村革命烈士陵园。陵园里种着核桃和杨树,已是深秋,树叶落尽,覆在地上厚厚一层,102座烈士墓上却干干净净,ダークブラッド RMT,没有一片落叶。陵园周围的白色围墙更显得庄严肃穆。
猪场在烈士墓群的西侧。“当时墓地草长得比墓堆儿还高,三十年的风吹雨淋使英雄坟头都变成了小黄土堆儿,pso2 RMT,不仔细看都看不出来。”
“俺家姊妹七个,我是老二,旧社会穷得很,整天吃不饱饭,aion RMT。”宋树茂告诉记者,1961年他以优异的成绩毕业于延津县一中。当时在农村,像他这样的高中生极为稀少。
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