Dragon Age IINews (22)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (30)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs (61)Dragon Age IINews (21)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (30)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs (57)Dragon Age IINews (22)Previews (7)ReviewVideos (29)Screenshots (9)Cheats and Walkthroughs BioWare's got some good math going on for its next DLC release: Dragon Age 2 + assassins + Felicia Day = surefire winner. "Mark of the Assassin" is the next downloadable add-on for the developer's 2011 RPG, and it's coming to your platform of choice on October 11,Lineage2 RMT, a new trailer confirms.The new story, which can be accessed at any time after you've reached your home in Kirkwall, features the voice talents and likeness of The Guild star Felicia Day, who plays Tallis, a rogue who excels at both close and ranged encounters. Your hero will accompany Tallis as she attempts to steal a valuable jewel -- called The Heart of the Many -- from an Orlesian baron's private fortress,アラド戦記 RMT.The DLC will add new items, enemies and environments to the game as well as "a new, tactical way to play with the return of Stealth gameplay," BioWare's Chris Priestly writes in the game's forums. ",ro RMT;Mark of the Assassin" arrives on October 11 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC, for $9.99 / 800 MS Points.
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