
USCBC welcomes outcomes of third round of China-US S&ED

The US-China Business Council (USCBC) announced on Tuesday that it welcomed the commercial- related outcomes of the latest round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED).

"The US-China commercial relationship has gotten much bigger and much more important for both sides," said USCBC President John Frisbie, adding that "we need more engagement with China on the issues important to us, not less engagement, and today's S&ED outcomes show why."

China and the United States wrapped up the two-day China-US S& ED here on Tuesday following comprehensive and productive discussions and yielded a host of constructive results.

Several priority issues on USCBC's advocacy agenda were addressed at the current round of S&ED, the Washington-based agency said in a statement, urging continued government-to- government dialogue to make further headway on key issues in bilateral ties.


Chinese vice premier calls for better use of surveying, mapping data

Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang has called for the development of surveying and mapping services and better use of geographical information to serve the country's development.

Li visited an innovation base of the national surveying and mapping services and met with a group of torift goldp researchers on Monday, according to a statement issued by his office on Tuesday.

He said China attached great importance to the development of geographic information surveying and mapping sector because it is vital to the development of new industries, such as internet of things and the development of digital cities.

The state bureau of surveying and mapping was recently renamed as the state bureau of geographical information, surveying and mapping. Li said this indicated that the government supports frift platinumurther development of geographical information sector.

For example, the surveying and mapping service is key to the development of China's marine economy and national security, he said.


Ways to expel cold

In ancient times, people made sure sure to build up their health during the major cold period. The following will introduce some simple ways to expel cold and nourish the body.

Mutton soup with ginger

Ingredients: 30 grams of angelica, 30 grams ofginger, 500 grams of mutton

Method: First, wash the angelica and ginger and cut them into big slices. After picking out the muscle and ligaments from the mutton, it should be put into the pot to scald. Then put angelica, ginger and mutton together into the pot to boil. After an hour and a half, the mutton will be cooked and the soup is ready.

Effect: Warm the core, enrich the blood, clear away cold

Sweet and sour sliced carrot

Ingredient: 250 grrift goldams of carrot, small amounts of ginger, sugar, vinegar, salt, monosodium glutamate and vegetable oil

Method: Wash and cut the carrot into slices. The pan needs to be heated; then put some ginger into the pan and stir fry it. After that, put the sliced carrot into the pan, and after two minutes put vinegar and sugar into it and stir fry. Finally, add some salt and monosodium glutamate when the rest is cooked.

Effect: Reduces qi, strengthens and warms the core, benefits the chest and diaphragm and coordinate intestines and stomach. (Modern medical research suggests the “ Hu Po acid potassium salt” contained in carrots is the effective element to reduce blood pressure, so patients with elevated blood pressure can drink the carrot juice.)

Milk porridge

Ingredient: 250 grams of milk, 100 grams of rice

Method: Wash the rice and put it into a pot with water. Once the water is at a boil, add some milk and crift platinumontinue boiling to make porridge.

Effect: Moistens lungs, clears intestines and nourishes the blood (chosen from “Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber”)


Proverbs about the Awakening of Insects

During the Awakening of Insects solar term, the first spring thunder thunderstorms crash, waking the hibernating animals and ushering in the spring. There are lots of proverbs about the Awakening of Insects in China.

When we talk about the spring thunder, there are three things to remember. The first is that if the thunderstorms crash before the Awakening of Insects, there will be abundant rainfall throughout the year. “Spring thunderstorms before the Awakening of Insects solar make a humid day.” The weather may become wet and chilly. However, the situation is not the same in mountain areas. There is a saying that goes: “First spring thunderstorms coming before the Awakening of Insects solar term make a favorable condition for farming.” Abundant rainfall is a good thing for mountain areas because the soil has good drainage. The second thing to remember is that if the thunderstorms crash on the day of the Awakening of Insects, there will be a harvest year. For example: “spring thunderstorms coming on the day of the Awakening of Insects make heavy crops.” The third situation is that if the thunderstorms don’t appear a few days after the Awakening of Insects, there will be insufficient rainfall and a bad harvest.


Miss Tourism Queen International Pageant in Beijing

Chinese beauty contestants pose during the Miss Tourism Queen International Pageant in Beijing, China Marift goldrch 16, 2006. The annual Miss Tourism Queen International attracts 85 contestants from around the world with the final held in China in July 2006rift platinum.



Ai is one of China’s most internationally famous artists. He also became known for his outspoken activism following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, when he conducted his own investigation into the deaths of thousands of school children. The artist was among critics who blamed official corruption and shoddily-constructed school buildings for exacerbating the threat.

Although Ai was detained more than one month ago, the Chinese government has not officially notified his family about his status or whereabouts. Chinese media say he is being charged with economic crimes, but there are few details.

Africa Embraces Varied Sources of Development Aid

Traditionally,tera gold aid to africa has often been between individual countries and Western nations or banks.

Today, more participants are involved in delivering assistance, including international foundations and emerging economies like brazil, china, russia and india.

Timothy Shaw, a professor at the Institute for International Relations at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago, says international taxes are another form of support for projects in developing countries.

“The airline tax is being implemented by some states like Spain, Korea, and the revenues are going to rift platinumanti-malarials, anti-tuberculosis, anti-HIV-AIDS, etc. Carbon taxes and trading are certainly beginning because of the U.N. environmental conferences and climate change funds, including REDD (United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) is underway.


The Spanish-American War

The racism expressed in Jim Crow didn’t end at southern, or even American, borders. The vigorous rise of a belief in white, Anglo-Saxon superiority extended overseas. One popular writer of 1885 was the clergyman Josiah Strong,rift gold who argued that the United States was the true center of Anglo-Saxon virtue and was destined to spread it over the world. “This powerful race,” wrote Strong in the best-selling book Our Country, “will move down upon Mexico, down upon Central and South America, out upon the islands of the sea, over upon Africa and beyond.” Then, borrowing from Charles Darwin, whose ideas were being floated around, Strong concluded, “Can any one doubt that the result of this competition of races will be the ‘survival of the fittest’?” Strong left no doubt as to who he thought the “fittest” was. Strong’s message found a receptive audience in the corridors of American power, and a few years later the message went out in a war with Spain. This was America’s muscle-flexing war, a war that a young and cocky nation fought to shake off the cobwebs, pull itself out of the economic doldrums, and prove itself to a haughty Europe.

Watching England, Germany, France, and Belgium spread their global empires in Asia and Africa, America fought this war to expand and protect its trade markets overseas, capture valuable mineral deposits, and acquire land that was tera gold
good for growing fruit, tobacco, and sugar. It was a war wanted by banks and brokers, steelmakers and oilmen, manufacturers and missionaries. It was a war that President McKinley didn’t seem to want, and a war that Spain certainly didn’t want. But there were a lot of powerful people who did want it. And, perhaps above all, it was a war the newspapers wanted. War, after all, was good for circulation. The ostensible reason for going to war with Spain was rift platinum to “liberate” Cuba, a Spanish colony. A fading world power, Spain was trying to maintain control over a native population that demanded its freedom, as America had demanded and won its independence a century earlier. When Spain sent a military governor to throw rebels into concentration camps, America acted the part of the outraged sympathizer. It was a convenient excuse. But an element of fear also played into the game. There was already one black republic in the Western Hemisphere, in Haiti. The United States didn’t want another one in Cuba.

The Spanish-American War

The racism expressed in Jim Crow didn’t end at southern, or even American, borders. The vigorous rise of a belief in white, Anglo-Saxon superiority extended overseas. One popular writer of 1885 was the clergyman Josiah Strong, who argued rift gold that the United States was the true center of Anglo-Saxon virtue and was destined to spread it over the world. “This powerful race,” wrote Strong in the best-selling book Our Country, “will move down upon Mexico, down upon Central and South America, out upon the islands of the sea, over upon Africa and beyond.” Then, borrowing from Charles Darwin, whose ideas were being floated around, Strong concluded, “Can any one doubt that the result of this competition of races will be the ‘survival of the fittest’?” Strong left no doubt as to who he thought the “fittest” was. Strong’s message found a receptive audience in the corridors of American power, and a few years later the message went out in a war with Spain. This was America’s muscle-flexing war, a war that a young and cocky nation fought to shake off the cobwebs, pull itself out of the economic doldrums, and prove itself to a haughty Europe.

Watching England,tera gold Germany, France, and Belgium spread their global empires in Asia and Africa, America fought this war to expand and protect its trade markets overseas, capture valuable mineral deposits, and acquire land that was good for growing fruit, tobacco, and sugar. It was a war wanted by banks and brokers, steelmakers and oilmen, manufacturers and missionaries. It was a war that President McKinley didn’t seem to want, and a war that Spain certainly didn’t want. But there were a lot of powerful people who did want it. And, perhaps above all, it was a war the newspapers wanted. War, after all, was good for circulation. The ostensible reason for going to war with Spain was to “liberate” Cuba, a Spanish colony. A fading world power, Spain was trying to maintain control over a native population that demanded its freedom,rift platinum as America had demanded and won its independence a century earlier. When Spain sent a military governor to throw rebels into concentration camps, America acted the part of the outraged sympathizer. It was a convenient excuse. But an element of fear also played into the game. There was already one black republic in the Western Hemisphere, in Haiti. The United States didn’t want another one in Cuba.

Who built the Panama Canal?

While America prepared for war in Cuba, the American battleship Oregon, stationed off the coast of California, was ordered to Cuba. Steaming around South America, the Oregon was followed in the press like the Kentucky Derby. The voyage took two months, and while the Oregon arrived in time to take part in the Battle of Santiago Harbor,rift platinum it was clear that America needed a faster way to move its warships from ocean to ocean.

This wasn’t a new idea. The dream of connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific had been held almost since Balboa stood on the cliffs of Darien in modern Panama. President Grant sent a survey team to look for the best route to dig a canal tera gold across Central America, and an American company later built a small railroad line to take steamship passengers across the isthmus, drastically cutting travel time from coast to coast.

Plenty of other people saw the commercial as well as strategic advantages of this undertaking. In 1880, a French group led by Ferdinand de Lesseps, chief architect of the Suez Canal, put together a company with the capital of thousands of investors rift gold to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama, then still a part of Colombia. In the growing macho mood of America’s leaders, President Hayes announced that no European country would control such a canal, saying, “The policy of the country is a canal under American control.”

Brown v. Board of Education

Every day, eight-year-old Linda Brown wondered why she had to ride five miles to school when her bus passed the perfectly lovely Sumner Elementary School, just four blocks from her home. When her father tried to enroll her in Sumner for fourth grade,rift platinum the Topeka, Kansas, school authorities just said no. In 1951, Linda Brown was the wrong color for Sumner.

In July 1950, a year before Linda was turned away, segregated black troops from the 24th Infantry Regiment scored the first American victory of the Korean War when they recaptured Yechon. A few months after that, PFC William Thompson was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism in Korea—the first black so honored since the Spanish- American War. (It’s hard to win combat awards when the Army will only let you peel potatoes and dig slit trenches.) In September 1950, Gwendolyn Brooks (b. 1917) won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry for her book Annie Allen,tera gold the first black ever cited by the Pulitzer Committee. And that month, American diplomat Ralph J. Bunche (1904–71) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his mediation of the Palestinian conflict, the first black to win that honor.

For most of the country’s 15 million American blacks—in 1950, they were called Negroes—these accomplishments held little meaning. In the first place, a good many of those 15 million people couldn’t read about these achievements. Illiteracy among America’s largest racial minority (approximately 10 percent of the total population in 1950) was rift gold commonplace. Schools for blacks, where they existed, didn’t offer much in the way of formal education. The law of the land remained “separate but equal,” the policy dictated by the Supreme Court’s 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson ruling. “Separate but equal” kept Linda Brown out of the nearby Topeka schoolhouse and dictated that everything from maternity wards to morgues, from water fountains to swimming pools, from prisons to polling places, were either segregated or for whites only. Exactly how these “separate” facilities were “equal” remained a mystery to blacks: If everything was so equal, why didn’t white people want to use them?

Why did President Eisenhower send the Army into Little Rock, Arkansas?

Through all of these Supreme Court decisions and during the Montgomery boycott and other peaceful protests that followed, the Eisenhower White House stood as a vacuum of moral leadership on the civil rights issue. While the Cold War general was making the world “safe for democracy,” his own vision of a free society seemed to have no room for blacks.

Apparently fearfulrift gold of alienating the powerful bloc of “Dixiecrats,” the southern Democratic congressmen whose votes he needed, Eisenhower was ambiguous in his public comments. He promised to uphold the laws of the land, but refrained from endorsing the Court’s rulings. At the time, a word of leadership or outrage at Jim Crow conditions from this popular president might have given the civil rights movement additional vigor and force. Instead, Eisenhower was ultimately forced to act, with great reluctance, in a showdown that was more about presidential power than about the rights of black children.

In September 1957, the governor of Arkansas, Orville Faubus, posted 270 fully armed men from the Arkansas National Guard outside Little Rock Central High School. Their duty was to prevent nine black children from entering the previously all-white school. On American television and all over the world, people watched with revulsion as the children tried to enter school and were turned away by the guard as an angry, jeering mob spat and cursed at them, all under the watchful eyes of the guardsmen. A federal district court order forced Faubus to allow the children into the school, but the governor withdrew the Arkansas state guard, leaving the protection of the black children to a small contingent of resentful local policemen, some of whom refused to carry out the order.

Finally, Eisenhower,tera gold to defend the sovereignty of the federal court, had to order 1,100 paratroopers from the 101st Airborne to Little Rock and place the state national guard under his direct orders. For the first time since Reconstruction, U.S. troops were in the South to protect the rights of blacks. Eisenhower had not acted out of concern for the students’ rights or safety, but because herift platinum
believed that he couldn’t allow the force of federal law to be ignored. The troops remained in Little Rock Central High for the rest of the school year, and eight of the black students stayed through the year despite curses, harassment, and abuse. Whatever else it proved, Little Rock showed that the civil rights movement was going to need the full force of the federal government to enforce the laws that the Supreme Court had created.


Laos Plans New Study on Dam Effects

Laos says it will conduct new research on the environmental effects of a hydropower dam it wants to build on the lower Mekong River, bowing to requests from neighboring nations for more study on the project.

Daovong Phonekeo,rift platinum the deputy director general of the country's Department of Electricity, said Tuesday the country will hire advisers to do the study, and will ask a Thai construction company that is playing a leading role in the project to fund the study.

He says construction work on the project will be delayed for the study.

The Xayaburi dam will be the first hydropower dam on the lower reaches of the river, although China has built dams on the tera gold upper stretches of the river.

Last month, at the Mekong River Commission, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand, which the Mekong also flows through, asked for more information on the dam's possible effects on wildlife, fish stocks and farming along the river.
Vietnam has asked that all planned hydropower dams on the river be delayed for 10 years for further study. The commission, which aims to build a regional consensus for sustainable development of the river, does not have the power to block any dam projects.

Laos plans to build a series of dams on the river to generate electricity, which it can sell to other countries. Thailand earlier had agreed to buy 95 percent of the power from the project.

About 60 million people rift gold depend on the Mekong directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. Environmental groups, including the WWF, have expressed concern that dams on the Mekong could endanger rare fish and wildlife, and could damage farms along the 4,800-kilometer river.

The WWF on Tuesday urged that international best practices be used in any studies to evaluate the dam's effects.


Study: Brisk Walking Increases Brain Size, Improves Memory in Seniors

A section of the brain involved in memory grew in size in older people who regularly took brisk walks for a year, researchers reported Monday.

The new study reinforces previous findings that aerobic exercise seems to reduce brain atrophy in early-stage Alzheimer's patients,Rift Gold and that walking leads to slight improvement on mental tests among older people with memory problems.

The new analysis, led by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, appears in Tuesday's edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The study involved 120 sedentary people, ages 55 to 80. They were divided into two groups: RIFT PlatinumHalf began a program of walking for 40 minutes a day, three days a week to increase their heart rate; the others only did stretching and toning exercises.

The hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in memory, tends to shrink slightly with age and that's what happened in the group that only did stretching. But among people who took part in the walking program, the hippocampus region of the brain grew in size by roughly 2 percent.

Researchers found that there was some memory improvement in both groups, but "in the aerobic exercise group,RIFT Platinum increased hippocampal volume was directly related to improvements in memory performance."

"We think of the atrophy of the hippocampus in later life as almost inevitable," Kirk Erickson, professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh and the paper's lead author,rift gold said in a statement.

Added Art Kramer, director of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois and the senior author: "The results of our study are particularly interesting in that they suggest that even modest amounts of exercise by sedentary older adults can lead to substantial improvements in memory and brain health."

Dr. Jeffrey Burns of the neurology department at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, said he was "enthusiastic" about the paper. Burns, who wasn't involved in the new research,TERA Gold said that while previous studies have pointed to the relationship between exercise and memory, this rigorous, yearlong study advances what's known about the brain and exercise.

Diabetes During Pregnancy a Risk for Mom's Health Years Later

A type of diabetes that strikes during pregnancy may disappear at birth, but it remains a big red flag for moms' future health -- one that too many seem to be missing.

Roughly half of women who've had gestational diabetes -- the pregnancy kind -- go on to develop full-fledged Type 2 diabetes in the months to years after their child's birth.

Yet new research shows fewer than one in five of those women returns for a crucial diabetes test within six months of delivery.Rift Gold That's the first of the checkups they're supposed to have every few years to guard against diabetes' return, but no one knows how many do.

The research, by testing-lab giant Quest Diagnostics, is sobering because if they only knew, many of these new mothers could take steps to reduce their chances of later-in-life diabetes that can bring with it such complications as heart disease and kidney damage.

"It's almost as if you got a preview ... a window to the future,"RIFT Platinum says Dr. Ann Albright, a diabetes specialist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "This is a population that really should be targeted for intervention."

And more mothers-to-be soon may join the ranks. The American Diabetes Association is recommending a change in how pregnant women are tested that will identify more mild cases than today, based on some recent studies that found treating even those mothers leads to easier deliveries. If obstetricians eventually sign on,rift gold it has the potential to double diagnoses - although most mild cases would need only better nutrition and exercise, not diabetes medications, the association cautions.

New CDC estimates show nearly 26 million Americans have some form of diabetes, the vast majority of them the Type 2 kind that's linked to being overweight. Tens of millions more have high enough blood sugar to be classified as pre-diabetic.

Women can have either Type 2 diabetes or the insulin-dependent Type 1 variety at the time they become pregnant. That's a separate issue, and those women are urged to have their diabetes tightly controlled to avoid a range of risks to baby and mother.

But according to the CDC, somewhere between 2 percent and 10 percent of pregnant women develop diabetes for the first time during pregnancy, the gestational type. If untreated,RIFT Platinum the mother's high blood sugar can make the fetus grow too large, leading to C-sections and early deliveries. It also can trigger a potentially life-threatening condition called preeclampsia. It even increases the baby's risk of becoming obese in childhood.

So medical groups urge screening of most pregnant women. They drink a sweetened liquid and then have blood tests to see how their body processes it.

But nearly a third of pregnant women aren't getting that test, according to the new Quest study, which examined the testing records of more than 900,000 pregnant women. The study, published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, couldn't say why. For some, doctors may have decided they were at low risk. Others may not have followed their doctor's advice to get the test.

More worrisome: Usually, mom's blood sugar returns to normal a few weeks after the birth, but doctors make clear that patients need to be checked within six to 12 weeks to be sure. Quest tracked those patient records for a full six months, and found 19 percent had gotten that first postpartum check.

"The reality is that women get busy" with their new family, says Dr. Ellen Landsberger, obstetric diabetes director at New York's Montefiore Medical Center, whose clinic takes steps to track those patients down. "Women take care of their children more than themselves."

The CDC says women whose gestational diabetes disappears still need their blood sugar checked every one to three years,TERA Gold because they're at such high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes within the next decade or two.

That's because the body's underlying ability to process blood sugar is forever altered, says Dr. Carol Wysham of the American Diabetes Association, who heads the Rockwood Clinic diabetes center in Spokane, Wash.

The good news: For anyone at risk for Type 2 diabetes, losing a modest amount of weight -- 5 percent to 7 percent of your starting pounds -- and doing 2 1/2 hours of physical activity a week are proven to prevent or at least postpone it. Women who had gestational diabetes are no exception, making it especially important to shed those pregnancy pounds.

In New York, Rewatie Hussain had never heard of gestational diabetes before her first pregnancy. She was promptly treated, and while her son needed some extra care at birth, he left the hospital healthy.

Hussain's own blood sugar returned to normal that time, but gestational diabetes struck again with her second pregnancy. This time, she required insulin treatment. Her son was fine, but a few months after delivery, Hussain was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

"It just never left," she says. She was able to drop the insulin for diet and oral medication, and "I'm still pretty OK. I just know to be careful and look out for it."


How Many Pounds Will I Lose If I Eat 2000 Calories a Day but Exercise It All Off?

Overweight and obesity can lead to early death, cardiovascular disease, TERA Gold cancer, arthritis, infertility and painful gallstones, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Losing even small amounts of weight can drastically help reduce your risk of these diseases, while also making you feel better and more confident.

Weight-Loss Basics
Weight loss occurs with a simple formula of calories in and calories out. RIFT Platinum You must burn more calories than you take in for weight loss to occur. One pound is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. If you take in 2,000 calories each day and then burn off 2,000 calories each day, you will lose 4 pounds in a week. Some people will lose more weight, depending on body composition. A calorie is a unit of energy and someone who has more body mass will use more energy for the same workout as someone who has a lower body mass.

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Healthy Weight Loss
Losing 4 or 8 pounds in one week may sound ideal, especially if you have a special event or beach vacation coming up, but it could be detrimental to your health. Losing weight too quickly, rift gold or losing more than 3 pounds a week, can lead to an increased risk of developing gallstones and can make it difficult to keep weight off.

Burning 2,000 Calories
To burn 2,000 calories by exercising, you would need to work out for a significant portion of your day. RIFT Platinum If you weigh 160 lb, you will need to run at 8 miles per hour for two hours, which may be impossible for your fitness level. Other activities that burn many calories include rollerblading, which can burn 913 calories in an hour, or jumping rope, which can burn 730 calories per hour.

Increasing your daily physical activity, exercising at a healthy rate and consuming a reasonable diet can all help you lose weight without forcing you to exercise excessively. Begin by setting a realistic and reachable goal and work toward that. Rift Gold Instead of trying to lose 16 pounds each month, try for 5 or 8 pounds. If you burn off 5 to 10 percent of your body fat, you will significantly decrease your risk for disease and will give your confidence a boost.

Kate Middleton is Related to...Ellen DeGeneres?

The royal wedding is just a few short months away, rift gold but it looks like Prince William and Kate Middleton might need to add an extra seat for the bride-to-be's newly discovered family member: Ellen DeGeneres.

"Hold onto your crumpets, everybody," the talk show host said on her show as she shared the news in a segment titled 'Ye Olde Wedding Watch,' according to E! Online.

DeGeneres received a letter from the New England Genealogical Society -- which she joking thought was a letter from her "lady doctor" -- revealing she was in fact a distant cousin of Middleton.

See the video after the jump!

"You are distant cousins ... but cousins still the same," the letter said, claiming the future royal and talk show host are 15th cousins, RIFT Platinum related by a man named Sir Thomas Fairfax and his wife, Agnes Gascoigne.

"I'm definitely invited to the wedding now!" DeGeneres told her live audience. TERA Gold "Between the Packers winning the Super Bowl and this, I'm having a good week."

Middleton Rift Goldis set to marry Prince William on April 29 at Westminster Alley.


Calligraphy in Chinese Character, Cursive Script Square Scroll

Calligraphy in Chinese Character, Cursive Script Square Scroll,
rift gold
Calligrapher: Ding Shimei

Artwork Size: 65cm X 65cm

Creation Year: 2010AD
rift gold

US Skeptical About Syrian Law Changes

The United States expressed skepticism Tuesday that a vote by Syria’s cabinet to end 48 years of emergency rule will actually ease human rights conditions there. The State Department confirmed U.S. opposition to Syria’s candidacy for the U.N. Human Rights Council.

Officials here say any gains from the vote lifting the state of emergency in Syria would apparently be negated by companion legislation regulating public protests,rift gold and they are renewing their call on authorities in Damascus to end violence against demonstrators.

The action by the Syrian cabinet followed a speech by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad Saturday in which he promised to end the harsh emergency law in effect since 1963.

The cabinet Tuesday ratified draft legislation ending the state of emergency, and abolishing a special security court widely criticized by human rights activists. But it also approved a measure regulating peaceful protests that would require permission from the Syrian Interior Ministry for any demonstration.

At a news briefing, State Department Acting Deputy Spokesman Mark Toner said the Syrian legislation, awaiting the signature of President Assad, may not yield any net gain for human rights in the country.

"In light of some of the comments we’ve seen from the interior minister, this new legislation may prove as restrictive as the emergency law it replaced," said Toner. "More fundamentally, there was more violence overnight, soldiers firing on peaceful protestors. Obviously the violence there continues to raise serious concerns. And it remains clear that the Syrian government need to urgently implement broader reforms."

Toner said that while President Assad has cast himself as a reformer, "we have seen a lot of words and not a lot of action" and that it is for the Syrian people to decide whether he has done enough.

Amnesty International says at least 200 people have been killed by security forces since demonstrations for democratic reforms began in Syria a month ago.

The U.S. spokesman confirmed that the United States will oppose Syria’s candidacy for membership on the U.N. Human Rights Council.

Syria is running unopposed for one of four seats reserved for Asian countries on the 47-nation council. It is thus is likely to win a seat unless another Asian country comes forward to contest the vote, set for late May.

Spokesman Toner said the Obama administration believes that given the Damascus government’s actions against its own people,rift gold it would be "inappropriate and hypocritical" for Syria to join the Human Rights Council.

Make Progress Everyday, Big Seal Script Banner

Make Progress Everyday, Big Seal Script Banner,
rift gold
Calligrapher: Ding Shimei

Creation Year: 2008AD
rift gold
Artwork Size: 130cm*36cm

Ouyang Xun, one of the Four Great Calligraphers of Early Tang Dynasty

Ouyang Xun (Chinese: 歐陽詢; Wade–Giles: Ouyang Hsun) (557–641), courtesy name Xinben (信本), was a Confucian scholar rift gold and calligrapher of the early Tang Dynasty. Chinese Calligrapher, Politician, one of the Four Great Calligraphers of Early Tang Dynasty (Chu Suiliang 褚遂良, Yu Shinan虞世南, Xue Ji薛稷),He was born in Hunan, Changsha, to a family of government officials; and died in modern Anhui province, to a family of government officials; and died in modern Anhui province.the Founder of Ou Style

Ouyang Xun's calligraphy, largely kaishu(regular script), was known for its rigorous and grand strokes as well as its unique order and structure, and was called "Ou Style" by later generations. His kai shu works include Jiuchenggong Liquan Ming, and the most famous kingship works are Mengdian Tie and Zhanghan Tie. Besides being an expert in kasha and kingship, Ouyang also wrote excellent lishu(official script).

Several of his kasha works were seen as the best of theTang Dynasty. As the later generations found out, his kaishu had a certain order or formula in both its strokes and structure, which was easy for a novice to learn.

As early as in theSui Dynasty, Ouyangs calligraphy was widely known, and by the Tang Dynasty, as both the man and his calligraphy got older, had attained a high degree of perfection. However, Ouyang was not content with the achievements and continued practicing.

One day,rift gold during an outing with his friends, Ouyang came upon a stele inscribed by Suo Jing (a famous calligrapher of the Jin Dynasty), and felt the inscription was really mediocre after several look at it. However, upon second thought, he believed there must be something outstanding about the stele, since Suo was hailed as a great calligrapher. With this idea in mind, He stood for a long while in front of the stele, had a careful look into it and discovered the sparkling points about it. He went on to explore the stele for another three days, and finally realized the secret of using awriting brush, hence further perfecting his calligraphy.

He was a talented student who read widely in the classics. He served under the Sui Dynasty in 611 as Imperial Doctor. He served under the Tang Dynasty as censor and scholar at the Hongwen Academy. There he taught calligraphy. He was a principal contributor to the Yiwen Leiju.

He became the Imperial Calligrapher and inscribed several major imperial steles. He was considered a cultured scholar and a government official. Along with Yu Shinan and Chu Suiliang he became known as one of the Four Great Calligraphers of the Early Tang Dynasty.

xploring India

While gaps in the map of the American West were being filled in and Livingstone was walking across the African continent,rift gold the Great Trigonometrical Survey was taking place in India. Beginning in the 1830s, British surveyors started mapping the Indian subcontinent. By using the method of triangulation surveyors could accurately determine the heights of points above sea level. In 1844, the highest mountain in the world was determined to be 29,002 feet. This mountain was named Everest in 1865 to honor Sir George Everest, the man in charge of the Trigonometical Survey. Today the official height, set by the Indian government, is 29,028 feet. It is known as Chomolungma, or “Goddess Mother of the Snows,” or “Mother Goddess of the Universe” to the Tibetan people. In Nepal it is called Sagarmath or “Goddess of the Sky.” The Himalayas—which means “house of snow” in ancient Sanskrit—stretch in a 1,500-mile curve across Southern Asia and consist of several parallel mountain ranges. Mt. Everest lies on the border between Tibet and Nepal. K2, the next highest peak at 28,250 feet, is also in the Himalayas and lies on the border between China and Pakistan. From the early 1800s until 1949, Nepal was officially closed to foreigners. The Trigonometrical Survey employed local, or “pundit,rift gold” explorers to do the surveying work in the Himalayas. These very brave men carried out their task in secrecy because they weren’t supposed to be working for the British.

When word of the fantastically high peaks got back to England, there were people who wanted to climb them. This was a new breed of mountain climber, people interested in adventure and conquest rather than furthering science. They climbed with traditional equipment—crampons, ice axes, ropes, and woolen clothing—and were anxious to take on the Himalayas.
A Kuwaiti newspaper has published slain Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden's last message to his wives and children.

The four-page document is a will, dated December 14, 2001, months after the 9/11 attacks that made him the most wanted man in the world.

In it, Bin Laden apologizes to his children for his absence in their lives, Rift Gold"You, my children, I apologize for giving you so little of my time because I responded to the need for Jihad," he writes.

He also instructs his children not to follow in his footsteps - specifically telling them not to join Al Qaeda.RIFT Platinum He cites precedents from Islamic texts as a justification for forbidding his children to engage in 'holy war'. The UK's Daily Telegraph reports that Omar bin al-Khattab, the successor of the Prophet Mohammad as Islam's leader, also left written instructions to his son, Abdullah, not to wage holy war.

The document is largely devoted to justifying Bin Laden's efforts to destroy America and Israel.rift gold There is no mention of passing on his possessions or assets, despite the fact that Bin Laden was at one point believed to have a personal fortune worth tens of millions of dollars.

The terrorist leader's will had a message for his wives, RIFT Platinum"don't consider marrying again, and devote yourselves to your children and guide them to the right path."

TERA GoldHe signed the document "Your brother Abu Abdullah Osama Muhammad Bin Laden."

Osama Bin Laden Dead: How One Phone Call Led U.S. To Bin Laden's Doorstep

WASHINGTON -- When one of Osama bin Laden's most trusted aides picked up the phone last year, he unknowingly led U.S. pursuers to the doorstep of his boss, the world's most wanted terrorist.

That phone call, recounted Monday by a U.S. official, ended a years-long search for bin Laden's personal courier, the key break in a worldwide manhunt. The courier, in turn, Rift Goldled U.S. intelligence to a walled compound in northeast Pakistan, where a team of Navy SEALs shot bin Laden to death.

The violent final minutes were the culmination of years of intelligence work. Inside the CIA team hunting bin Laden, it always was clear that bin Laden's vulnerability was his couriers. He was too smart to let al-Qaida foot soldiers, or even his senior commanders, know his hideout. But if he wanted to get his messages out, somebody had to carry them, someone bin Laden trusted with his life.

In a secret CIA prison in Eastern Europe years ago, al-Qaida's No. 3 leader, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, gave authorities the nicknames of several of bin Laden's couriers, RIFT Platinumfour former U.S. intelligence officials said. Those names were among thousands of leads the CIA was pursuing.

One man became a particular interest for the agency when another detainee, Abu Faraj al-Libi, told interrogators that when he was promoted to succeed Mohammed as al-Qaida's operational leader he received the word through a courier. Only bin Laden would have given al-Libi that promotion, CIA officials believed.

If they could find that courier, they'd find bin Laden.

The revelation that intelligence gleaned from the CIA's so-called black sites helped kill bin Laden was seen as vindication for many intelligence officials who have been repeatedly investigated and criticized for their involvement in a program that involved the harshest interrogation methods in U.S. history.

"We got beat up for it, but those efforts led to this great day,"rift gold said Marty Martin, a retired CIA officer who for years led the hunt for bin Laden.

Mohammed did not reveal the names while being subjected to the simulated drowning technique known as waterboarding, former officials said. He identified them many months later under standard interrogation, they said, leaving it once again up for debate as to whether the harsh technique was a valuable tool or an unnecessarily violent tactic.

It took years of work for intelligence agencies to identify the courier's real name, which officials are not disclosing. When they did identify him, he was nowhere to be found. The CIA's sources didn't know where he was hiding. Bin Laden was famously insistent that no phones or computers be used near him, so the eavesdroppers at the National Security Agency kept coming up cold.

Then in the middle of last year, the courier had a telephone conversation with someone who was being monitored by U.S. intelligence, according to an American official, who like others interviewed for this story spoke only on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive operation.RIFT Platinum The courier was located somewhere away from bin Laden's hideout when he had the discussion, but it was enough to help intelligence officials locate and watch him.

In August 2010, the courier unknowingly led authorities to a compound in the northeast Pakistani town of Abbottabad, where al-Libi had once lived. The walls surrounding the property were as high as 18 feet and topped with barbed wire. Intelligence officials had known about the house for years, but they always suspected that bin Laden would be surrounded by heavily armed security guards. Nobody patrolled the compound in Abbottabad.

In fact, nobody came or went. And no telephone or Internet lines ran from the compound. The CIA soon believed that bin Laden was hiding in plain sight, in a hideout especially built to go unnoticed. But since bin Laden never traveled and nobody could get onto the compound without passing through two security gates, there was no way to be sure.

Despite that uncertainty, intelligence officials realized this could represent the best chance ever to get to bin Laden. They decided not to share the information with anyone, including staunch counterterrorism allies such as Britain, Canada and Australia.

By mid-February, the officials were convinced a "high-value target" was hiding in the compound. President Barack Obama wanted to take action.

"They were confident and their confidence was growing: 'This is different. This intelligence case is different.TERA Gold What we see in this compound is different than anything we've ever seen before,'" John Brennan, the president's top counterterrorism adviser, said Monday. "I was confident that we had the basis to take action."

Options were limited. The compound was in a residential neighborhood in a sovereign country. If Obama ordered an airstrike and bin Laden was not in the compound, it would be a huge diplomatic problem. Even if Obama was right, obliterating the compound might make it nearly impossible to confirm bin Laden's death.

Said Brennan: "The president had to evaluate the strength of that information, and then made what I believe was one of the most gutsiest calls of any president in recent memory."

Obama tapped two dozen members of the Navy's elite SEAL Team Six to carry out a raid with surgical accuracy.

Before dawn Monday morning, a pair of helicopters left Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan. The choppers entered Pakistani airspace using sophisticated technology intended to evade that country's radar systems, a U.S. official said.

Officially, it was a kill-or-capture mission, since the U.S. doesn't kill unarmed people trying to surrender. But it was clear from the beginning that whoever was behind those walls had no intention of surrendering, two U.S. officials said.

The helicopters lowered into the compound, dropping the SEALs behind the walls. No shots were fired, but shortly after the team hit the ground, one of the helicopters came crashing down and rolled onto its side for reasons the government has yet to explain. None of the SEALs was injured, however, and the mission continued uninterrupted.

With the CIA and White House monitoring the situation in real time – presumably by live satellite feed or video carried by the SEALs – the team stormed the compound.

Thanks to sophisticated satellite monitoring, U.S. forces knew they'd likely find bin Laden's family on the second and third floors of one of the buildings on the property, officials said. The SEALs secured the rest of the property first, then proceeded to the room where bin Laden was hiding. In the ensuing firefight, Brennan said, bin Laden used a woman as a human shield.

The SEALs killed bin Laden with a bullet to the head. Using the call sign for his visual identification, one of the soldiers communicated that "Geronimo" had been killed in action, according to a U.S. official.

Bin Laden's body was immediately identifiable, but the U.S. also conducted DNA testing that identified him with near 100 percent certainty, senior administration officials said. Photo analysis by the CIA, confirmation on site by a woman believed to be bin Laden's wife, and matching physical features such as bin Laden's height all helped confirm the identification. At the White House, there was no doubt.

"I think the accomplishment that very brave personnel from the United States government were able to realize yesterday is a defining moment in the war against al-Qaida, the war on terrorism, by decapitating the head of the snake known as al-Qaida," Brennan said.

U.S. forces searched the compound and flew away with documents, hard drives and DVDs that could provide valuable intelligence about al-Qaida, a U.S. official said. The entire operation took about 40 minutes, officials said.

Bin Laden's body was flown to the USS Carl Vinson in the North Arabian sea, a senior defense official said. There, aboard a U.S. warship, officials conducted a traditional Islamic burial ritual. Bin Laden's body was washed and placed in a white sheet. He was placed in a weighted bag that, after religious remarks by a military officer, was slipped into the sea about 2 a.m. EDT Monday.

Said the president: "I think we can all agree this is a good day for America."


Chris Camozzi vs. Joey Villasenor to Headline Shark Fights 15

Former UFC middleweight Chris Camozzi will meet veteran Joey Villasenor in the main event of Shark Fights 15 on May 27, Rift Gold the promotion announced on Wednesday.

The event will mark Shark Fights' RIFT Platinum first outside the state of Texas, as it will take place at the Santa Anna Star Center in Albuquerque, N.M.

Camozzi (14-4) was recently released by the UFC after losing to Kyle Noke at UFC 127. rift gold Prior to the loss, the 24-year-old had won four fights in a row, which included two straight in the UFC.

The 35-year-old Villasenor (27-8) is stuck in a two-fight losing streak. RIFT Platinum He lost to Danillo Villefort at Shark Fights 13 after he was released by Strikeforce following his loss to Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza in May.TERA Gold The 12-year veteran has also fought for EliteXC, PRIDE, King of the Cage and DEEP.

No other fights have been announced for the card just yet.

Impact Investing: A Better Way to Do Well by Doing Good

Putting your money where your heart is not a new concept. But making competitive profits in the process has proven to be a bit more complicated.

In the last 15 years, socially responsible investing or SRI, has become an increasingly visible option for investors who seek to blend social concerns such as environmental stewardship or human rights with their investing strategies. Those SRI funds are both feel-good and do-good by comparison to regular funds, but they've faced criticism on two fronts: They have had lower returns, and their missions can be hard to define, which can lead to "greenwashing" -- the attempt to cover ordinary profit-seeking behavior with a thin patina of socially or environmentally positive PR.

However, top business schools -- along with a new breed of venture capitalists -- are trying to change that and prove that investing with the goal of creating a meaningful, positive social impact can generate financial returns equal to traditional methods. A new genre has evolved from SRI: impact investing, which proactively uses invested funds to solve social or environmental goals and achieve competitive financial returns at the same time.

Competing to Make the World Better

In early April, 12 teams of business-school students from top American and British schools gathered in New York City for the first International Impact Investing Challenge.

Taking the podium in a wood-paneled conference room in J.P. Morgan's headquarters (formerly the Bear Sterns building), students presented ideas that showcased how those investing opportunities might look. The buzzwords bandied about included emerging markets, mobile platforms, micro health insurance, and clean energy.

The first-place portfolio, won by Kellogg MBA students Sachpreet Chandhoke and Puneet Gupta, TERA Gold outlined the Grain Depot Fund, a plan to improve grain storage and distribution in India. They predict an initial investment of $17 million to build storage silos in India's bread belt could deliver a return rate of 19% for investors over a 15-year period, improve revenues for local farmers, generate new employment, and provide more grain for food. That's a lot of bread.

"The beauty of this is that it is simple," said Chandhoke. "We've gotten to the heart of what impact investing is all about."

Financial Innovation and Long-Term Strategies

Mark Milstein, director of the Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management, says the recent financial crisis showed that traditional investment vehicles were fallible, and underscored the importance of the sort of long-term strategies that are central to impact investing. RIFT Platinum The sector is predicted to grow to $500 billion by 2014, according to the nonprofit Global Impact Investing Network.

"In the bad economy, greenwashing went out the window," Milstein said. "But long-term investments have continued to grow and have value."

David Chen of Equilibrium Capital Group, who was key in organizing the competition, rift gold says he's impressed with the passion for social change he sees in today's business-school students. "It's not just students coming from the nonprofit world anymore," he said. "It cuts across all students."

As the competition wrapped up, students mingled with the judges -- managing directors, RIFT Platinum fund managers and partners at top capital firms responsible for directing billions of dollars.

"Finance can be a source of innovation if we can harness creativity in the next generation," Rift Gold Chen said.
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Study: 50 Percent of Shopping Carts Contain E. Coli

Shopping in the grocery store can actually be hazardous to your health, according to study experts from the University of Arizona.

After examining 85 random shopping carts in four states,Rift Gold preliminary research has concluded that 72 percent of these carts contained a marker for fecal bacteria. Then, researchers thoroughly studies samples from 36 of those carts and discovered that 50 percent of them were infected with E.coli, defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as "a large and diverse group of bacteria.RIFT Platinum Although most strains of E. coli are harmless, others can make you sick. Some kinds of E. coli can cause diarrhea, while others cause urinary tract infections, respiratory illness and pneumonia and other illnesses."

"That's more [bacteria] than you find in a supermarket's restroom," Charles Gerba, University of Arizona Professor of Soil,rift gold Water and Environment and lead researcher, told MSNBC.com. "That's because they use disinfecting cleaners in the restrooms. Nobody routinely cleans and disinfects shopping carts."

This is not the first time Gerba has found health trouble lurking around the market. This study coincides with previous research he discovered in 2008 stating that children who rode in shopping carts were more likely than others to develop infections caused by two other types of bacteria,RIFT Platinum salmonella and campylobacter.

And in June 2010, he co-authored another report with Lorna Linda University that found that reusable grocery bags could be a threat since there were detected to contain bacteria, including E.coli.

While this information can be daunting,TERA Gold Gerba had said in a formal press release: "With this knowledge, people will be in a better position to protect their health and that of their children."

Being Overweight Increases Risk of Deadliest Breast Cancer

Research has shown that obesity raises the risk of breast cancers caused by estrogen.Rift Gold But a new study suggests that gaining too much weight may also factor in to a much deadlier and more aggressive form of the disease.

Overweight and obese women were 35 percent more likely to get the often lethal triple-negative breast cancers than average-weight and thin women, according to the findings published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

RIFT PlatinumThe more dangerous type of the disease is also less common than other kinds, accounting for about 10 to 20 percent of breast cancer cases, Reuters reported.

"The fact that we found an association with triple-negative breast cancer is unique because, rift goldbiologically, this subtype is very different from other breast cancers," author Amanda Phipps of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia told Reuters.

Phipps and her team looked at the records of 155,723 women participating in a large-scale study on the impact of hormone replacement therapy as a treatment for menopause.

They compared the body mass index (BMI) and physical activity levels of the 307 women who had triple-negative breast cancer with that of the 2,RIFT Platinum610 women who had estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer.

They found that those with the highest BMI had a 35 percent greater risk of triple-negative breast cancers and a 39 percent higher risk of those triggered by estrogen.

The majority of breast tumors develop because of an excess of the hormone estrogen and are classified as estrogen-receptor positive. Other types are fueled by progesterone or a protein called HER2.TERA Gold Those forms of the illness are easily treatable when caught early.

But a fourth kind of breast cancer, known as triple-negative, has no estrogen, progesterone or HER2 receptors -- hormones and proteins that are vital for most breast cancer drugs to be effective.

Previous research has shown that when women gain too much weight, their chance of breast cancer shoots up, probably because estrogen builds up in the fat.


The Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is located in East-Central Europe. It is bounded on the northeast by Poland; on the east and south by Slovakia; on the south by Austria; and on the west and northwest by Germany. Prague is its capital. Czechs (95 percent), Germans, Gypsies (Roma), Poles, Silesians, and Slovaks compose its population of more than 10 million. The official religion is Roman Catholicism. The official language is Czech.
rift gold
The former Czechoslovakia was founded in 1918, after World War I, from territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In 1938, Germany occupied Czechoslovakia, which remained part of Germany for the duration of World War II. In 1945, Czechoslovakia was “liberated” by the Soviet Army. In 1948, the Communist Party, supported by the Soviet Army, assumed power in Czechoslovakia after a coup. The country then became part of the Warsaw Pact and COMECON. In 1989, the communist regime was overthrown by the “velvet revolution.” In 1990, 22,000 political prisoners were released and the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its troops. In 1993, divided by ethnic tensions between Czechs and Slovaks, Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Czech Republic is a parliamentary republic, whose constitution was signed on December 16, 1992. The president, the prime minister, and the cabinet form the executive branch. Two bodies form the legislature: the Chamber of Deputies (the Czech National Council) and the Senate. The supreme and national courts represent the judiciary,rift gold which is independent. The economy of the Czech Republic is one of the most developed among the emerging republics of the former Soviet block. However, the Czech Republic is still struggling through the transition from a centralized economy linked to the Soviet Union to a free-market economy. Czech manufacturers lost all their markets among the eastern communist countries. In addition, the Czech Republic lacks energy resources and sufficient raw materials. Today, heavy industry and agriculture are the country’s main activities, and Western countries represent its main commercial partners.

Great Event

rift gold

Teacher: What great event happened in 1809?
Little Willy: Abraham Lincoln was born.

Teacher: Correct. And what great event happened in 1812?
Little Willy: Abraham Lincoln had his third birthday.

rift gold

Palestinian President Vows to Pursue Mideast Peace

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says the Palestinian Authority will continue to seek peace talks with Israel while his Fatah movement pursues reconciliation with the rival Palestinian faction, Hamas.

Abbas commented on Thursday,rift gold a day after Fatah and Hamas announced an initial agreement on unity following talks mediated by Egypt.

The agreement between the Palestinian factions calls for the formation of an interim government followed by presidential and legislative elections within a year.

The deal was sharply criticized by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday because Israel considers Hamas a terrorist group.

He said Abbas must choose "peace with Israel or peace with Hamas." Netanyahu added: "There is no possibility for peace with both."

The Hamas and Fatah movements have been divided since 2007. Hamas rules the coastal Gaza Strip. Fatah is the ruling party in the West Bank. The two areas are separated by Israel which does not allow routine passage from one to the other.

Hamas is not rift gold a party to peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Rockets have been fired at Israel from the Hamas-controlled areas and Israel has responded with air attacks.

When a Tiger comes

Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance,rift gold running towards them.

One of the guys takes out a pair of Nikes from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised look and exclaims, Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?

His friend replies: I don't have to out run it,rift gold I just have to run faster than you.


Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa, on the southwest coast of the Red Sea. It is bounded on the west and northwest by Sudan, on the south by Ethiopia, and on the southeast by Djibouti. It has a population of approximately 3.75 million. There are nine major ethnic groups, including the Tigrinya and Tigre, who make up four-fifths of the total population. They speak different Semitic or Arabic languages. English is widely spoken as well,rift gold especially in academic settings. About 50 percent of the population is Christian, mostly Orthodox, while 48 percent is Muslim, and the remainder hold indigenous beliefs.

An Italian colony since 1885, Eritrea became a federate state joined with Ethiopia at the end of World War II. On May 24, 1993, Eritrea achieved independence after a thirty-year war led by the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) against Ethiopia. Its leader, Isaias Afwerki, continues to be the president of the Provisional Government of Eritrea. The EPLF has established itself as the sole political party, changing its name to the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ). Eritrea is still in the process of establishing a permanent government. A new constitution was promulgated in 1997, but has not yet been implemented. New general elections were scheduled for the year 1997, but they were delayed and indefinitely postponed following an outbreak of conflict at the Ethiopian border. In addition, Sudan’s attempt to spread Islamic fundamentalism to neighboring countries since 1993 has increasingly forced Eritrean military forces to deal with terrorist attacks organized by Eritrean Islamic Jihad, a Sudan-based insurgent group.

The present government provides for the separation of powers. The legislature, the National Assembly, holds the highest legal power until the establishment of a democratic, constitutional government. The ministers of the cabinet and the president hold the executive power that is accountable to the National Assembly. The judiciary is independent. Eritrea is a member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and maintains a close relationship with the United States, Italy, and other European nations, which have become important aid donors. It has also close relations with Ethiopia,rift gold its largest trading partner, and with Uganda. Eritrea’s economy is slowly recovering from the devastating effects of the independence war, which left the country in extreme poverty. The development process aims to replace a centrally planned economy with a free market and privatization. Agriculture remains the main source of employment; nevertheless, it accounts for only a small percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP). Instead, trade, services and manufacturing provide the greatest portion of the GDP. Eritrea has obtained international economic assistance for several development projects.

In May 1998, a war broke out with Ethiopia that continued into the middle of 2000. Although, as of this writing, the fighting has stopped, tensions between the two nations remain high.


Lindsay Lohan Talks Legal Woes, Future on 'Tonight Show'

With an appeal in the works on a sentence that would see her spend 120 days in prison, TERA Gold Lindsay Lohan went on 'The Tonight Show' to talk about the woes that have plagued her since her late teenage years and her desire to get her life back on track.

"I've made a lot of poor decisions in the past and I'm dealing with the consequences of those decisions," RIFT Platinum she said. "I know that I have to work to gain the respect back and I'm willing to do the work that I have to do to follow through with being an actress because that's what I love."

When asked what she would change about herself, rift gold she turned it around and said she'd rather change the public perception of her. She would much rather it be about her work than her personal troubles. She did admit, "I've put myself in positions where that was the bigger story.

It looks like the looming jail sentence has definitely sobered the 24-year old. We hope she can maintain this healthier mindset and move her career and life in the direction she wants. Rift Gold We'd much rather watch her six years from now talking to Jay Leno about having just won an Oscar than some of the possible alternatives if she slides down the wrong path again.

Recommended Percentage of Carbohydrates in Your Diet

Carbohydrates are compounds composed of water, hydrogen and carbon. Carbohydrates provide a tremendous source of energy to your body. Your body can use the carbohydrates you consume as an immediate source of energy, RIFT Platinum or it can store them in the muscles and liver for later use in the form of glycogen. Carbohydrates exist in several forms, and each affects your body differently. Carbohydrates should generally make up a higher percentage of your diet than other macronutrients.

Percentage of Calories
A fairly common recommendation is that carbohydrates should account for anywhere between 45 and 65 percent of your total calories. If you get a high level of activity each day, you will want to favor the higher end of the scale to help replenish depleted glycogen stores. TERA Gold Protein and fat, the other two macronutrients, should account for between 10 to 15 and 20 to 35 percent of your calories, respectively. Finding the optimal balance of these three macronutrients is as much art as it is science, but according to British track and field coach Brian Mackenzie, the ideal blend is 57 percent carbs, 30 percent fats and 13 percent protein.

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Sugars are the simplest forms of carbohydrates and generally produce an immediate rise in your blood sugar levels. You can find natural sugars in products like fruit, RIFT Platinum vegetables and milk. Desserts, sodas and packaged foods generally contain added sugars. Excessive amounts of any type of sugar can be harmful to your health, potentially resulting in weight gain, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Try to consume mostly natural sugars and limit your total sugar intake to 150 calories a day if you are a man, and 100 if you are a woman.

Starches are composed of multiple sugar molecules and are referred to as complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates enter your bloodstream slowly and provide a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. rift gold There is no hard-and-fast rule for what percentage of your carbohydrates should be complex, but there are several advantages to complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates can prevent weight gain, improve cholesterol levels and help you feel full longer. Whole grain products, rice, pasta, vegetables and beans are complex carbohydrates. One method of maintaining a diet full of complex carbohydrates is to eat foods with a low glycemic index, or a low glycemic load.

Like starches, fiber is composed of multiple attached sugar molecules. The body cannot digest fiber, however, and as fiber passes through the intestines and colon it helps cleanse your digestive system. Rift Gold Fiber can help improve digestive regularity, prevent colon cancer, reduce cholesterol and help you feel full. You can find fiber in vegetables and fruits, beans and whole-grain products. Men and women should generally try to consume at least 120 and 80 of their carbohydrate calories from fiber, respectively.